So, for the first time in over a month, this week I finally picked up a book. It's still raw and painful for me to pick up a book, read and escape. It sometimes makes me feel guilty for 'carrying on' as normal, as if nothing matters, as if the pain isn't there. But believe me it is. My heart is still sore, raw and battered.
Back to the books; I've managed to read a couple of books and buy a few more, and also receive a few more from NetGalley from publishers (THANK YOU!!)
So here's what I've read this week or so;
The first one I read, that has honestly been a savior to me was Ali McNamara's "The Little Flower Shop by the Sea" which I will be sharing my review with you all towards the end of the week as we approach publication date.
Secondly, I finished just this morning Rebecca Raisin's "Secrets at Maple Syrup Farm" which I will be sharing my thoughts of on 28th July as part of the blog tour (details and dates are in the sidebar menu to your right ----->>> )
Next up are the books I've recently been out and spent my money on;
I've recieved a lot from publishers via NetGalley, and fear it may take me far too long to share with you, but i'll share when I'm reading and reviewing them. You can always check back and see that book is featured on my "Currently Reading" tab in my sidebar! Or stalk me on social media - i'm bound to be bragging on there about them.
So that's a very brief My Week in Books post for you, maybe next week i'll have a tad more gusto and gumption and will dazzle you.
Now it's your turn to share what you're currently reading either in paperback, hardback on eBook wise... so go ahead and leave a comment below or share with me on social media.
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