How have you been? We really must meet up here more often with a cosy cup of coffee. I can't stay long today as I've got a lot going on at the moment which is why I'm not popping in here as much as I used to but I do want to have a coffee with you and tell you about this book I read recently.
As you know, here in the UK we're heading to the polls in a few days time and we've had some truly devastating attacks in our country that I think has shocked us all to the core. When times get tough I like to escape by reading a good book. It helps to just "get away from it all" in your mind.
Get comfy and let me tell you about my latest read that you simply have to read.

Alice in BrexitLand is written by Lucien Young and published by Penguin Random House, part of Ebury Press. I am grateful to the publishers for sending me an advanced review copy to read.
You can purchase from Amazon here
When I read the blurb the first time, I had to smile. I knew it was going to be enjoyable. Have a read and see what you think;
"Lying on a riverbank on a lazy summer’s afternoon – 23rd June 2016, to be precise – Alice spots a flustered-looking white rabbit called Dave calling for a referendum.
Following him down a rabbit-hole, she emerges into a strange new land, where up is down, black is white, experts are fools and fools are experts...
She meets such characters as the Corbynpillar, who sits on a toadstool smoking his hookah and being no help to anyone; Humpty Trumpty, perched on a wall he wants the Mexicans to pay for; the Cheshire Twat, who likes to disappear leaving only his grin, a pint, and the smell of scotch eggs remaining; and the terrifying Queen of Heartlessness, who’ll take off your head if you dare question her plan for Brexit.
Will Alice ever be able to find anyone who speaks sense?"
Without giving away too much, I have to say that quite a few times through reading this book I found myself giggling away to myself. If you're anything like me when it comes to election time you recognise how important it is that we each vote, but tend to get really P-ed off with all the constant backbiting that goes on, the arguments and the sheer drivel and 'empty promises' that get made.
Whilst this book doesn't feature on a general election - what we're going to the polls for in a few days - it does relay the many thoughts and feelings when the UK voted to leave the EU and Brexit became a thing.
The characters are all based on the traditional children's story of Alice in Wonderland - with a twist of going down a rabbit hole with Dave the white rabbit (who sounded like he'd gone to a posh expensive school for rabbits!) heading down the hole to BrexitLand.
People who find politics - especially right now - a joke will enjoy this book, and even though it does make digs at Polish workers (Ahem! I am of Polish descent (My Grandfather came to the UK in WW2 to escape the Nazi's who had tortured his family before his own eyes - and just whilst we're on it... he immediately signed up with the British Army and fought against the Nazi's) - so you know... be careful as it can really offend some people! They aren't the only Europeans who have come to the UK recently from the EU) it is all rather tongue in cheek.
It's a fun enjoyable read and one that I'm sure people will enjoy reading as it's just a fairly quick read.
It's not going to become the "new" classic, but right now, with the times we are living in, and the right audience, it could be a fun read of the moment.
So, my overall rating has to be 3/5 on this one.
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