Hi Lovely!
How are you? How was your weekend? I'm just sitting with a nice lemon tea (my favourite beverage) and thought I'd pop in and have a chat with you about a book that I've recently read. This book is not only a real treat to read that actually helped me get out of a reading slump, but it's actually making me feel quite broody! Now my Mr is aware I've been reading the book and he said "the book sounds so good" but I don't think he quite knows the fact that its made me broody haha. So, Mr, if you're ready this on your day off whilst I'm being "Moaning Myrtle" - as in Myrtle Warren (HARRY POTTER DAY!) at work then - .... Surprise haha, Your girlfriend is officially broody!

The First Time Mums' Club is the debut novel from Lucie Wheeler. HarperImpulse published it and I was fortunate enough to receive an eBook ARC from them (Thank you HarperImpulse).
You can purchase your copy from Amazon here (paperback is out 13th July)
As you can see, the cover is delightful, and you can obsviosuly work out that it's a novel about a group of women who are pregnant - for the first time. Shall we see what the blurb says?
A gorgeous, heartwarming debut for fans of Giovanna Fletcher, Paige Toon and The Unmumsy Mum!
Meet Pippa…
After years of trying and a failed IVF attempt, Pippa is thrilled to see two little lines appear on a pregnancy test. Finally a precious baby to call her own. This is all Pippa has ever wanted…if only husband Jason could show just a little excitement.
A baby is the icing on the cake for Imogen and Alice – proof that their love for each other can overcome any obstacle. But when Imogen starts receiving malicious texts, it's clear that not everyone is thrilled about the girls' good news.
And Ellie…
A drunken one-night stand and Ellie's life is ruined! Pregnant, jobless and the relationship with her best friend, Chris, over- forever. Because Chris just happens to be the father of Ellie's baby…and potentially the love of her life!
For these first time mums the road to motherhood is bumpier than most!
I loved this book from start to finish, I genuinely did. I am very fortunate that 98% of the books I receive are spot on with regards to my interests and this was one of those. I love supporting debut authors because you are potentially holding their dream, their 'book baby' in your hands and they are trusting you to be honest and be gentle with it. This can sometimes scare me as a blogger because I always have to remind myself - that I have nothing of their previous work to compare it to, this is it. This is the first impression going out into the world.
Lucie, I'll put you at ease; as far as I'm concerned you have a beautiful bouncing book baby here and I can't wait to see what you bring us next.
Lucie, I'll put you at ease; as far as I'm concerned you have a beautiful bouncing book baby here and I can't wait to see what you bring us next.
So why did I like it so much?
Well, firstly the topic; new mums. This is something that of course at my age I've thought about and I've talked about - a lot, it is something that I've literally dreamt about on many occasions. Literally. Becoming a mum for the first time as much as it can be joyous, i'm sure that a lot of mums will agree with me here when I say that it can be the most terrifying, emotional, scary yet exhilarating experience ever. I know for myself personally, as much as I a m looking forward to becoming a Mum - and believe me I am - I've got the crochet homemade baby blanket patterns, ideas and booties all ready in my mind, along with the nursery decor, it actually does scare me a little.
Lucie shares this journey with you in The First Time Mums' Club so brilliantly and she weaves in so many possibilities for a first time pregnancy that I am sure there is something that everyone can identify with. We have the couple that's been trying for years, couples who've tried IVF, same sex marriage and parenthood, couples who break up, couples who do the unthinkable, and then we have the "friends with benefits" couple. It's jam packed with gorgeous storylines that you will find it very hard to become bored with the story.
So many important topics came up in this book that I feel I need to mention; same sex marriage and the trials and tribulations that come with it, miscarriage, abortion, decision making, infidelity, twins, juggling motherhood and work. And that's just to share a few.
All I will say, is that the epilogue could have been lengthened and turned into a follow up book because I would have loved to have read about the first year as parents. Other than that, it is a splendid debut, a spectacular storyline and one that I will be recommending for a long time to come. Congratulations Lucie!!!
Therefore I am awarding this book 4.5/5 stars.
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