Title | Sleepless in Manhattan
Author | Sarah Morgan
Publisher | Mira UK
Publication Date | 10th March 2016
Source | Review Copy
Rating | 5/5
What if the person who broke your heart, is the only one who can help you find your future?
Great friends. Amazing Apartment. An incredible job. Paige has ticked off every box on perfect New York life checklist. Until disaster strikes and instead of shimming further up the career ladder, Paige is packing up her desk.
Her brother’s best friend Jake might be the only person who can help her put her life back together. He also happens to be the boy she spent her teen years pining after, and Paige is determined not repeat her past mistakes. But the more time she spends with Jake, the more Paige realises the one thing that was missing from her world all along. The perfect New York love story…
I always eagerly await a book by Sarah Morgan because what she writes is simply gold! I adore the cover on this book and it is a spectacular storyline. It kind of takes time to get your head around the fact you're not reading about Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City - or even Miranda, but that could be me and my love for all things SATC. This book features three women who have grown together and endured many hardships and emotions along the way. The main focus is upon Paige who has a brother, Matt who's best friends with Jake - the guy she has loved since she was a girl fighting in hospital with her heart health concerns. Matt has always been protecting Paige and still to this day protects her to the extreme. So much so that sometimes Paige feels a little claustrophobic and controlled. Jake has never protected her...or has he? The three women all work together - until one day they all lose their jobs together. Unable to see a way forward, Jake suggests they start their own business - Urban Genie. Over time Paige allows her heart to heal and to enjoy living life again. There is even a little romance with the one guy she has only ever loved. But will Matt find out, and if he does, how will he react? Will Paige ever get her happily ever after, or will she be Sleepless in Manhattan? ;-) I can't wait to read book 2 in the trilogy that will feature on Frankie and her journey between healing her past, and loving her future.
Title | Radical Self Love
Author | Gala Darling
Publisher | Hay House UK
Publication Date | 9th February 2016
Purchase | Amazon UK
Source | Review Copy
Rating | 5/5
Have you ever dreamed of a life full of laughter, love, and sequins … but felt totally clueless about how to make it happen? You're not alone. Best-selling author and speaker Gala Darling spent years in soul-sucking jobs, battling depression, an eating disorder, and a preference for chaos and disaster—simply because she didn't know how to create the life she dreamed about.
In Radical Self-Love, you'll discover exactly what makes you so magnificent, and you'll gain a litany of tools and techniques to help you manifest a life bursting with magic, miracles, bliss, and adventure! Featuring fun homework exercises and cool illustrations, this book will take you from learning to fall madly in love with yourself, to loving others, to making your world a more magical place through style, self-expression, and manifestation.
When you love yourself, life is limitless. You can do anything you want. It's time to throw off the shackles of expectation and judgment, and start living from your heart. It's time to astound yourself with how beautiful your life can be. It's time to treat every single day like a celebration!
“I believe that radical self-love can go hand in hand with a ruby-red lip. . . . that learning how to love yourself can be a party: streamers, disco balls, helium balloons, and all!”
xo, Gala
I was drawn to this book when Gala published it before, so when I saw that it was being published by Hay House, I *knew* that the Universe was sending me a love letter telling me to 'sit up and take notice' or rather 'read the book!' So, I was thrilled when Hay House sent me a copy to review.
I was right to be thrilled - in fact I was so right to be thrilled i'd say it was destiny that I met with this book. If there is one area in my life where I have repeated Traffic Collisions it's in the self love department. You see I have always had issues relating to my confidence and self esteem - anyone whom I went to school with would agree. They'd say I was quiet, shy, and always seemed to be the one that 'got picked on'.
I've never really been one to toot my own horn or overly share how fabulous I am, because I don't see myself that way. I am the classic woman that has poor self esteem, zero love for herself, and constantly and consistently sees her flaws... ALL of them!
So, I began reading this book thinking it was going to the same old boring "you should love yourself" stuff and that i'd end up feeling awful about having to write a review on a book I thought was lame (Sorry Gala!) HOWEVER!!!!! This is NOT the usual self help self love stuff.
I finished this book in 2 sittings. Yes, in two single sittings I read this book cover to cover and I was instantly in love! I declare this book my new super bible of self love. Reading Gala's words felt like having that sit down convo with the big sister I never had, I didn't feel judged, or criticised. I felt loved, cared for, worthy of attention, and I felt for the first time in a long time, HOPE.
I actually struggled to find anything wrong with this book - I can't find one, only that we NEED more of your wise wisdom Gala!! We need a sequel and the third installment, followed by a fourth, fifth.... hey, can you promise me something if I promise to try and love myself more??? Promise me you'll never stop writing and sharing your words of wisdom? Because your voice is needed, young women, teenage girls, women in their twirties (Twenty-to-Thirties) need this guidance.
This book now lives the side of my bed because just looking at the cover when I get out of bed reminds me to try and be more loving towards myself, and I can easily dip in and out of it for that extra top up of Radical Self Love.
Would I buy this book myself??? Hell Yes!!
Would I recommend this book??? YES to EVERYONE I know!!
Would I read this book again??? Check! Already doing that!!
Easily award this book 5/5
Title | The Gratitude Jar
Author | Josie RobinsonPublisher | Wise Ink Creative Publishing
Purchase | Amazon
Publication Date | 11 November 2014Source | Review CopyRating | 5/5The Gratitude Jar is a work that has come to light when the world deeply needs to read its message. The story itself is a heartwarming, inspirational tale of spiritual transformation and self-discovery, but it is also a guidebook with the power to instantly release the negative belief systems no longer serving you....and to direct your steps with new energy onto the path of joy and personal freedom.
Nourish your soul and restore your faith in the goodness of the world as you begin to use its simple truths within your daily life. The time is right to hear its message, and to accept the invitation that awaits inside its pages to a joyful and inspiring new life.
If things haven't been going right in your life it maybe that it's time to become more grateful. If something is missing from your life, maybe it's time to be grateful for what is already in your life. If you can never seem to have what everyone else has, maybe it's time to be grateful that you have anything at all!
I knew this book was going to be a special read for me, and I was not wrong, nor was I disappointed. I adored this book and it has taught me things I hadn't even thought of even though I regularly practice gratitude. The second that I finished reading it I passed it along to my Mum who is, like me, a believer in practicing gratitude.
The story told in these pages is simply heart warming, refreshingly honest, and comes from a place of truth. Josie had it tough, and she had no idea of a way out. There was even a time where she contemplated the idea that her family would be better off without her. Then a 'miracle' occurred when her sister gifted her a session with a psychic who introduced her to The Gratitude Jar. That was the moment her life changed. It turned around and became better than she could ever have imagined.
Every night for 30 days she practiced The Gratitude Jar with her young son, and it was beautiful to read her journey and become so inspired by her and her story. I cannot recommend this book highly enough because already in the two days it has taken me to read this book, I have begun to re-think how grateful I actually am, and why. I have even pulled my Gratitude Jar out of hiding and put it in a prominent place in my bedroom to remind me each night when I go to bed.
In my opinion there isn't anyone this book couldn't help. Thank you Josie for writing such a beautiful book, because you have inspired me to live a more grateful life, and like you I have been enduring moments in life where I feel everything is out of my control. Thank you Josie for reminding me that I can change my life and things can only get better.
I easily award this book, The Gratitude Jar, 5 out of 5 Love Hearts
Body Calm Meditations is an audio program to help you heal your body by addressing your thought patterns you have about your life and your body. I was drawn to this CD because I am a huge fan of meditation and always find it beneficial, yet I don't practice it religiously. I kind of dip in and dip out of practicing it. So I wanted to see what this audio program offered. It does have a book that you can purchase here (I haven't read that one so I can't offer you my opinion on that yet).Title | Body Calm Meditation CDAuthor | Sandy NewbiggingPublisher | Hay House UKAudio Length | 77 MinutesSource | Review CopyPurchase | AmazonA Page of Love Rating | 5/5Body Calm Meditations is a powerful way to meditate that uses the mind-body connection to help your body heal and stay healthy. Using these enjoyable guided meditations, you can clear the main mind-based causes of inner 'dis-ease' by developing key mental beliefs that enable you to engage with daily life in a much more relaxed and stress-free way. This ultimately gives your body the rest it needs to recover and the holistic harmony that is the foundation of lifelong health and happiness.
Over the past few months I have been dealing with a few health concerns of my own on top of bereavement and severe stress. I've been in regular contact with my GP and she referred me for counselling and CBT to help me manage my anxieties regarding my having Peripheral Neuropathy & Sciatica. I am not used to feeling so unwell or in pain so it's came as a total shock and it's been really hard to deal with. One thing my GP actually said to me was to try meditation because she strongly believes that there is a definite line between my anxiety/panic attacks and the pain I feel in my body. My pain is largely centred around the lower left of my spine, lower left leg and left forearm. All areas concerning support, security and the ability to 'handle' things and 'carry' on with life.
So, when I first listened to the audio CD, Sandy gently talks you through his philosophy of Body Calm and the link between anxiety, pain, health and your thoughts. It made so much sense I wanted to rip the CD out the player, run to my GP and say "THIS!!! This is what patients like me NEED!" She probably would have agreed with me, but I digress - I did not damage the CD by ripping it out of the player, I also didn't burst into my GP office. But I will mention it to her for sure. :-)
So, I carried on listening and there was this one part that Sandy said "It's OK to feel emotional - That is perfectly OK" and the tears that were prickly my eyes, just burst forward and I was able to let them go. He also said that nothing needed to be done, nothing needed my attention, It was OK for me to have this time alone, to myself, with my body and the time to relax. I can't tell you how much I needed to hear that. It's funny how we feel the need to be given permission to relax and do nothing isn't it?
There is one main meditation for the full body which takes about 14 minutes, and then 10 individual 3-4 minute ones that focus on one specific area in the body, and you can either do just the one 3 minutes one or do what I try to do most of the time and let them play on following each other for that extra boost. I always find myself feeling more relaxed and calmer and in less pain when I do that - because I've given my body time out to relax and recuperate.
I instantly felt relaxed listening to Sandy's lovely accent, his voice just sedates you! I let go for the whole 77 minutes without once feeling guilty, without once feeling irritated, and without once thinking about all the things I needed to do. That doesn't mean that I wasn't having the fight with my monkey mind on occasions, but it was a lot less than usual.
I've used this CD over the period of the last 2-3 weeks and I've found myself slowly getting myself feeling better about my body, less anxious when I feel pain, more able to rationalise the pain and anxious feelings I have.
Overall, I give Body Calm Meditations 5/5 Page of Love Hearts.
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