First Time in Forever by Sarah Morgan
Published by : Mills & Boon
Available: Paperback / eBook

Happily-Ever-After isn’t on Emily Donovan’s agenda…
Emily’s been too swept up in a challenging year of firsts, from becoming a stand-in mum to her niece Lizzy to moving to remote but beautiful Puffin Island, to think about love.But that’s before charismatic local yacht club owner Ryan Cooper kisses her…Ryan knows Emily has a complicated past that she’s struggling to face. So he makes it his mission to help her unwind and enjoy the chemistry they share.Can the welcoming community of Puffin Island work their magic on Emily and get her to take her biggest leap of trust yet —putting her heart in someone else’s hands?
This is the first book in - a - brand - NEW - SERIES!!!
As the cover tells us, this is book 1 in the new Puffin Island series, and it does NOT disappoint. I was hoping that I could fall as easily in love with these characters as much as the ones from her Snow Crystal Trilogy, and I can happily report that I fell hard for them, and very easily. Having finished reading this over a week ago now, I can still find myself stopping and thinking about Emily and Ryan, and little Lizzy.
When Emily first arrives back on Puffin Island, its not for the pleasure of a holiday or to reminisce about her teen years. Rather Emily is faced with the reality of looking after her sister's daughter for the rest of her life. But, she needs to lay low, because reporters are eager to find the location of Lizzy who's real name is ....(top secret!) and the reason they are after her is also (top secret!).
Emily is really unsure of who she can trust, and who could blame her, I really felt for Emily in all this and have to say that she coped brilliantly and much better than I ever would in her situation. She realises in time that Ryan - the least likely to fall for a woman with a child - is not only someone she can trust, but perhaps someone that she can live her life with...perhaps.
People on Puffin Island are so lovely, and I wish I could live there too! They rally around for Emily when she needs them the most, yet she never has to ask. They look after their own, and Emily is one of three 'young girls' that used to spend their summers there. In this book we meet Emily, and in the next book, we meet.... another.
I think this book is a beautiful spring read that definitely got me in the mood for summer and love. And I can't think why it wouldn't be packed in your suitcase in paperback or on your kindle to read on the beach/airplane ride to somewhere hot, gorgeous, and full of Ryan inspired beach gods!
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this, and just couldn't put it down, I can't wait for book 2!!
Great review, I loved this one too. Roll on book 2! Xx