Book Title ~ Geek Girl 4 : All That Glitters
Author ~ Holly Smale (Twitter) (Facebook)
Publisher ~ HarperCollins Childrens Books
Format ~ Paperback / eBook

A Page of Love Rating~
“My name is Harriet Manners, and I am still a geek.”
The fourth book in the award-winning GEEK GIRL series.
Harriet Manners has high hopes for the new school year: she’s a Sixth Former now, and things are going to be different. But with Nat busy falling in love at college and Toby preoccupied with a Top Secret project, Harriet soon discovers that’s not necessarily a good thing…
With not much to go on with the book's blurb and having NEVER read any of the Geek Girl books (I know - I have no idea how I have never read one before either), I had absolutely NO idea what to expect. This is book 4 in the Geek Girl series, and having not read books 1,2 or 3, it didn't matter. I think you could quite easily read this on it's own, but you'll probably want to order books 1, 2 and 3 as well because if you're like me, you'll only end up wanting to read them anyway.
With not much to go on with the book's blurb and having NEVER read any of the Geek Girl books (I know - I have no idea how I have never read one before either), I had absolutely NO idea what to expect. This is book 4 in the Geek Girl series, and having not read books 1,2 or 3, it didn't matter. I think you could quite easily read this on it's own, but you'll probably want to order books 1, 2 and 3 as well because if you're like me, you'll only end up wanting to read them anyway.
I have to say that I bloody love Harriet Manners, and if I could tweet her and tell her that I would... in a heartbeat! Seriously she is amazing! (although she'd tell me off about my use of so many exclamations marks). I really identified with Harriet, she is like the twin sister I never had yet I always knew was missing from my life. If I could have gone to school with Harriet, we would have soooo been best friends. Although she is definitely smarter than me, I still think I could hold my own up there with her.
I have never highlighted so many amazing passages in a book as I did with this one. Seriously, my kindle looks likes someone's gone uber crazy with highlighters! I will be posting a few of my favourites on my blog and featuring them in my side bar - yep, I'm a Geek Girl too! Which just got me wondering, I wonder if Geek Girl Harriet will ever start a blog... maybe she could be in a book about her blog and she could share all the numerical and geographical information about hits, comments, unique views, and posts being viewed across the world. ...
Anyway, In book 4, we travel with Harriet as she is super psyched with the prospect of a new year at school - in sixth form. Everything's going to be different this time, she's going to make friends and no one will be looking at her in that weird way anymore. Toby is her stalker friend but he's behaving strangely - yes, more strangely than usual, and then there is her best friend who's got a new boyfriend and is so in love and never available anymore. Everything has changed, and then when things couldn't appear to be anymore different yet definitely not the same, that advert poster appears on the bus stop and everything changes. Or it could be the dinosaur cookies she bakes...
Harriet gets a new modelling assignment and jets off to Marrakesh with a snake, monkey, camel and a drama queen who shouts at her. But underneath the stillness of the stars and among the sand dunes Harriet remembers Lion Boy. Her heart is breaking but she believes it was the right thing to do and when she feels lonely she writes him a letter. But does he ever receive them?
With old friends unavailable and new friends being... well friendly, Is Harriet right to trust them? Can people really change?
I have to give Geek Girl 4, 5 squidgy love hearts out of 5 because I simply adored it and found my inner Young Adult. I'm 26 years old and through Holly Smale, I have found a whole new love for books that I should have read and would have read when I was in high school. I can say that without a doubt, my friends really would have adored these books. A memory of my high school years was being (luckily) in a form group that consisted of majority highly intelligent peers, we were the high achievers and being a 'geek' was cool, funny at times, tease worthy among ourselves, and bloody respected.
One memory of my high school years was when A series of books came out focusing on teenage pregnancy because that was the issue being faced in schools and society. My mum bought them me because 1) she wanted to read them herself, and 2) because it was a book she thought I should read. I read them, and whilst reading them at school my friends, my peers were intrigued and wanted to read them too. And so these books became more and more well thumbed and battered as they were passed about us girls in my form. The boys smirked at us for reading them, but they even 'stole' a copy the once to read. Now, over 10 years later after reading those books, 1 out of our little group of 7 has children. The rest of us... well we're still without child. I think, along with common sense, and a maturity to life, reading those books helped.
I love that Holly has made being a Geek AKA Intelligent and Knowledgeable, cool and aspire worthy of among our teens and young adults of today. Far too much of 'reality' has placed beauty high above brains in recent years with the influx of realty TV, glamour models branding perfume, make-up, clothes etc, and even as 'far' back as WAGs being the 'Career Dream' of many girls. Seriously, I taught in a school and this one class had both a WAG wannabe and a Geek Girl. They are both beautifully intelligent girls, but one favoured beauty above brains and vice versa. I know both these girls who are now in high school are going to have a wonderful future ahead of them, but knowing that there is a chance that these girls are reading books like Holly's make me live with hope for the future.
YA books DEFINITELY have a place in our society and our shelves, and we should encourage Young Adults to read these books, because they have the power to not only entertain us in the short term, but to impact us in the long term. So go, buy Geek Girl 4, and any of the other Geek Girl books, read them and then pass them onto a Young Adult you know.
Welcome to Feature Friday, this week's feature is on two books based in the early 1900s post-war and to me they seem like a lovely genre to read. We are fascinated by watching Downton Abbey, and Mr Selfridge - I know it's not just me! So I thought it would be nice to share in time for Mothers Day here in the UK a couple of books - one available to buy now, and one available to pre-order.
First up is the brillaint author; Lyn Andrews with From Liverpool With Love
Published: 12 March 2015
Publisher: Headline
Format: Hardback / eBook
I think the covers of these books look utterly delightful.
There is a strong sense of history, and a warmth of knowing that by reading these books, although fiction, largely inspired by the times our ancestors lived in, that we will never forget our history.
So, shall we take a look at what Lyn has written about in this new release?
Book Description: ~
A heartwarming Liverpool saga from the bestselling author of THE HOUSE ON LONELY STREET and LIVERPOOL ANGELS for readers of Dilly Court and Katie Flynn
In 1920s Liverpool, Jane, her little brother Alfie and their mother Ellen have faced the horrors of the workhouse together. But when Ellen dies, two very different paths open up for the siblings.
Jane is sent to work in the Empire Laundry and builds a new life for herself with the neighbours who take her in. She finds solace there and the promise of a happy future when she falls for Joe, their eldest son.
But Alfie absconds from the workhouse and embarks on a life of crime. When their paths cross once more, Alfie turns on his sister. His plans will jeopardise every happiness she hoped for…
I actually can't wait to read this one myself, and I think that it will perhaps pull at my heart-strings a little.
Next up is Anne Baker with Wartime Girls - this makes me think of my Nan.
First up is the brillaint author; Lyn Andrews with From Liverpool With Love
Published: 12 March 2015
Publisher: Headline
Format: Hardback / eBook
I think the covers of these books look utterly delightful.
There is a strong sense of history, and a warmth of knowing that by reading these books, although fiction, largely inspired by the times our ancestors lived in, that we will never forget our history.
So, shall we take a look at what Lyn has written about in this new release?
Book Description: ~
A heartwarming Liverpool saga from the bestselling author of THE HOUSE ON LONELY STREET and LIVERPOOL ANGELS for readers of Dilly Court and Katie Flynn
In 1920s Liverpool, Jane, her little brother Alfie and their mother Ellen have faced the horrors of the workhouse together. But when Ellen dies, two very different paths open up for the siblings.
Jane is sent to work in the Empire Laundry and builds a new life for herself with the neighbours who take her in. She finds solace there and the promise of a happy future when she falls for Joe, their eldest son.
But Alfie absconds from the workhouse and embarks on a life of crime. When their paths cross once more, Alfie turns on his sister. His plans will jeopardise every happiness she hoped for…
I actually can't wait to read this one myself, and I think that it will perhaps pull at my heart-strings a little.
Next up is Anne Baker with Wartime Girls - this makes me think of my Nan.
Published: 9 April 2015
Publisher: Headline
Format: Paperback/eBook/Hardback
Price: £6.99
Oh doesn't the baby look beautiful? I am BIG on the covers of books. If i'm honest, if the cover doesn't look pretty enough i'm not interested.
Book Description:
Set in Liverpool during the Depression and the Blitz of the Second World War, Anne Baker's dramatic saga brings a close-knit community vividly to life.
It is the day of the Grand National, 1933, when Susie Ingram's fiance, Danny, is killed in a tragic accident. In a cruel twist of Fate, Susie discovers she is carrying Danny's child and, shunned by his parents, she turns to her mother for support.
Louise Ingram, widowed during the First World War, knows how hard it is to bring up a family alone, but with the help of her eldest daughter, Martha, who lives next door, they manage to survive. When little Rosie is born there is no doubt that she is Danny's daughter, but it is destined to take many more years of heartache before the two families are united again...
So there you have this weeks Feature Friday books. Please let me know if you've read anything by these authors, read these books and what you think of them. We love your sharing of book love, and we love to hear your recommendations!
First Time in Forever by Sarah Morgan
Published by : Mills & Boon
Available: Paperback / eBook

Happily-Ever-After isn’t on Emily Donovan’s agenda…
Emily’s been too swept up in a challenging year of firsts, from becoming a stand-in mum to her niece Lizzy to moving to remote but beautiful Puffin Island, to think about love.But that’s before charismatic local yacht club owner Ryan Cooper kisses her…Ryan knows Emily has a complicated past that she’s struggling to face. So he makes it his mission to help her unwind and enjoy the chemistry they share.Can the welcoming community of Puffin Island work their magic on Emily and get her to take her biggest leap of trust yet —putting her heart in someone else’s hands?
This is the first book in - a - brand - NEW - SERIES!!!
As the cover tells us, this is book 1 in the new Puffin Island series, and it does NOT disappoint. I was hoping that I could fall as easily in love with these characters as much as the ones from her Snow Crystal Trilogy, and I can happily report that I fell hard for them, and very easily. Having finished reading this over a week ago now, I can still find myself stopping and thinking about Emily and Ryan, and little Lizzy.
When Emily first arrives back on Puffin Island, its not for the pleasure of a holiday or to reminisce about her teen years. Rather Emily is faced with the reality of looking after her sister's daughter for the rest of her life. But, she needs to lay low, because reporters are eager to find the location of Lizzy who's real name is ....(top secret!) and the reason they are after her is also (top secret!).
Emily is really unsure of who she can trust, and who could blame her, I really felt for Emily in all this and have to say that she coped brilliantly and much better than I ever would in her situation. She realises in time that Ryan - the least likely to fall for a woman with a child - is not only someone she can trust, but perhaps someone that she can live her life with...perhaps.
People on Puffin Island are so lovely, and I wish I could live there too! They rally around for Emily when she needs them the most, yet she never has to ask. They look after their own, and Emily is one of three 'young girls' that used to spend their summers there. In this book we meet Emily, and in the next book, we meet.... another.
I think this book is a beautiful spring read that definitely got me in the mood for summer and love. And I can't think why it wouldn't be packed in your suitcase in paperback or on your kindle to read on the beach/airplane ride to somewhere hot, gorgeous, and full of Ryan inspired beach gods!
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this, and just couldn't put it down, I can't wait for book 2!!
I am touched that I am one of a few bloggers who has been asked to take part in announcing the reveal of one of my ultimate favourite author's, Kerry Fisher, new book cover reveal!!
So, you should be able to read this at 12 Noon on the 6th of March 2015 where social media will be swimming with news of The Island Escape!
I absolutely adored Kerry's debut novel; The School Gate Survival Guide, and have been awaiting news of her next book. I've been in almost constant contact with Kerry and she is STILL the most lovely and warm lady that she was when her book first hit the shelves, so that can only mean one thing... that she is the most genuine person I've met in a long time!
Anyway, The Island Escape is out 21st May in both Paperback (I love the scent of a new book!) and eBook (perfect to pop on your kindle and take on holiday with you!).
So, you should be able to read this at 12 Noon on the 6th of March 2015 where social media will be swimming with news of The Island Escape!
I absolutely adored Kerry's debut novel; The School Gate Survival Guide, and have been awaiting news of her next book. I've been in almost constant contact with Kerry and she is STILL the most lovely and warm lady that she was when her book first hit the shelves, so that can only mean one thing... that she is the most genuine person I've met in a long time!
Anyway, The Island Escape is out 21st May in both Paperback (I love the scent of a new book!) and eBook (perfect to pop on your kindle and take on holiday with you!).
I don't know about you, but I already want to escape to the lovely location shown there on the cover!
It looks delightful and I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of the book! The wonderful publishers (Avon Books) are still gathering details and dates for the blog tour and i'll be sure to let you know the second I know any details about that!
So, what's The Island Escape all about?
It’s about two friends, Roberta and Octavia. They’ve been bosom buddies since the year dot, going through all the ups and downs of life together. So when Roberta’s marriage falls apart, Octavia is there to support her through the tough times. What Octavia doesn’t expect is the effect this has on her own marriage…
Suddenly, she’s wondering if her life could have been different. She finds herself thinking back to the time she spent on the island of Corsica…and the time she spent in the arms of a man she never quite got over. Should she be happy with her lot – safe and boring as it is? Or is it time for her to go back to the island and face the ghosts of her past?
Filled with love, heartbreak and tears of sadness and joy, this is the only book you’ll want to read by the pool this summer.
You can PRE-ORDER this by heading over to Amazon
and choosing between the paperback or the eBook version.
So all this leaves me to say is, or rather, ask is;
What if there was somewhere you could disappear to?
Where would you go?
For **Book News** today, we have The Torn Up Marriage by Caroline Roberts which is OUT THURSDAY as an eBook .
You can get it in Paperback 7th May 2015
So what is it all about?
Why do we
hurt the ones we love, and can there ever be a way back?
“The Torn Up Marriage” is a powerful and poignant contemporary
novel about betrayal, love and loss, and that key instinct to protect your
family. But what happens when you tear that family apart? Kate and Michael are
about to find out as they cope with the crushing fallout of his affair, whilst
trying to protect their two young daughters. The story captures the
explosiveness of the everyday, what it is to be human; to make mistakes.
Set in the
historic town of Alnwick, Northumberland, with its stunning backdrop of
castles, beaches and moorland hills, this story of love and family takes you on
a roller-coaster ride of emotions along with Kate and Michael. Can they find a
way back and fight for their battered yet enduring love?
What would you do if it happened to you?
Could you betray? Could you ever forgive?
Well, doesn't that sound emotive and powerful? I think it's going to be a hit due to it's utterly relate-able story line and us ladies love a good love story that allows us to get to know characters that we can believe in.
Speaking briefly with Caroline, she said of the release;
"I'm so excited that publication is this Thursday!! - it's a dream come true after years of writing. It's a powerful, emotional read about the bomb of an affair - one to make you think."
It's already available for Pre-Order on Amazon (both eBook and Paperback) and will be available from all good stores; Waterstones Online, and WHSmiths Online.
As Caroline is a debut author, here's a little background on the author behind the words of The Torn Up Marriage
Caroline Roberts, is thrilled to have been signed with Harper
Collins (Harper Impulse). She has dreamed
of being a novelist from the age of 18, and has written for many years but went
the long route, working in a bank, bringing up her family and helping to run a
holiday park!
She loves writing relationship stories that explore how complex
and yet beautiful love and life can be. Caroline lives in stunning rural Northumberland;
its golden beaches, castles and beautiful countryside have inspired her
writing. “The Torn Up Marriage” is
her debut novel.
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