OK, so it's my Nerdy Book Blogging Duty - and if I don't tell you then I may just com-bust with excitement!!!! - to inform you about book news regarding the delightful Sarah Morgan.
We all loved her Snow Crystals trilogy and we all got super excited when we discovered First Time in Forever hitting our shelves the start of this month. Why? Because 1 it's Sarah Morgan, and 2, it's a new series of books - Puffin Island Books. So imagine my utter excitement... I seriously jumped up and fist pumped the air and then straightened my glasses when I discovered that....
PUFFIN ISLAND BOOK 2 is due out ..... 2nd July 2015!!!!****Kindle Version
This Year... literally 4 months away! YiPeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
And not only that, but here is the fabulous cover (at present - it may change slightly!)
So we know that Puffin Island, Book 2 is going to be called: Some Kind of Wonderful
This one is going to focus on Brittany's life whereas First Time In Forever (which I'm currently reading) is centered around Emily's Life. I can only guess that Book 3 will be all about Skylar!
Fiery archaeologist Brittany Forrest has stayed away from Puffin Island since her relationship with Zac Hayward went bad – they were married for ten days and only just managed not to kill each other by the end of the honeymoon.
She was happy to lend Castaway Cottage to her friends when they needed it but when a broken arm means she must return home from her Crete dig Brittany moves back to her Puffin Island home. Only to discover that Zac is there as well.
Will a summer together help two lovers reunite or will their stormy relationship crash onto the rocks of Puffin Island?
So, go on tell me.... are you as excited as I am?????!!!!
Title: The Grand Reopening of Cherry Pie Cafe
Author: Jenny Oliver
Publishers: Carina UK
Available: Kindle
Publication Date : 27th march 2015 - PRE-ORDER

Welcome to Jenny Oliver’s brand new Cherry Pie Island series!
There’s nowhere more deliciously welcoming
When Annie White steps back onto Cherry Pie Island, it’s safe to say Dandelion Café has definitely seen better days! Her childhood home on the Thames-side island idyll is exactly the same retreat from the urban bustle of London as she remembers - but Annie’s not convinced that new owner of The Dandelion Cafe is a title she’s thrilled about.
One (shoestring budget) makeover, a few delightful additions to the somewhat retro menu and a lot of cherry pie tastings later, The Dandelion Café is ready for its grand reopening! But however delicious the legendary cherry pie, that’s definitely not enough to make her come home for good. However, the islanders themselves are a different story – but is Annie ready to let the island, and all those that live there, become her recipe for true happiness?
The Grand Reopening of Dandelion Café is Book 1 in The Cherry Pie Island series. Each part of Cherry Pie Island can be read and enjoyed as a standalone story – or as part of the utterly delightful series.
I only blogged about this in Book News the other day, and I was around halfway through then. Well, I couldn't leave it there and let the deliciousness hover. I needed to read it and know what happens. So here I am, back here sharing with you just how bloody brilliant it is!
I love Jenny Oliver and didn't think she she'd be able to top The Parisian Christmas Bake Off - I love that back so much - but I should have more faith in Jenny, and Jenny I promise you, I do now! I know that Jenny is uber talented and will continue for a long time to provide us book lovers and fans with delicious, fun, laugh-out-loud and romantic stories to come.
So, Cherry Pie Island... is swoon worthy, and reading the description of the Island make me want to visit there... and the sweet little cafe, Dandelion Cafe (Could the name get any cuter...? Seriously??? I think not!), is truly the perfect setting for this new series. I love how Annie really didn't think she could renovate the cafe on such a small budget, but the locals are like family and they all dig in with the renovations.
I have to say that I found this book to be the perfect blend of; Carole Matthews' Cake Shop in the Garden, mixed with Rebecca Raisin's Gingerbread Cafe, and true Jenny Oliver, Parisian Bake Off - yet with a NEW, DELICIOUS taste to it. So, if you're a fan of any or all of those books... YOU - NEED - TO - READ - THIS!!!
The characters are fun, beleivable and realistic, and the dishy one - Matt - well, I actually highlighted and made a note on my kindle when I read a certain description of him...yum...MEEE!! Oh, you want me to share?! Oh, OK, seeing as it's you, but keep this strictly between You and Me, OK? There is this one point in the book where Matt is wearing... a black shirt (Oh dear goodness... i'm swooning already) and dark low slung jeans like a cowboy.... (OK, that just made my tummy do cartwheels!) I am a sucker for black shirts and pair them with dark jeans and I swear, I'll agree to anything...
Ok, so back with everyone here now, THE GRAND REOPENING OF DANDELION CAFE is heart warming too, as you see Annie almost fight for the approval of her family. She still thinks that no one takes her seriously because of ONE mistake she made when she was 21... we ALL make mistakes at that age ... I still do and that was 5 years ago that I was 21. Anyway, Annie's Dad passed away and she finally inherited this Cafe, after Enid passed on too, and now it all rests on her shoulders to keep it going for the community - and maybe for herself. No pressure?!
I loved Annie's personality, sweet, friendly, terribly caring and just the right dose of fun - Silver sequined leggings - You can thank me when you read it! And, the chemistry between Matt and Annie is so terribly sweet, that I simply cannot wait for part 2 to be released... I have to wait a whole month before I can get my hands on that... or do I? ... Hmmm I really don't know, but what I do know is that I will be reading it the second I can!
So, go... shoo.... get on Amazon and pre-order this delight for your Kindle.... You deserve a treat and so does your beloved Kindle! ....
You're still here?!!! Seriously GO NOW!!! Get your copy pre-ordered! But come back soon? Pretty Please? xx
Title: Ivy Lane
Author: Cathy Bramley
Publisher: Random House / Transworld Publishers
Availability: Paperback or Kindle
A Page of Love Rating:

From spring to summer, autumn to winter, a lot can happen in a single year...
Tilly Parker needs a fresh start, fresh air and a fresh attitude if she is ever to leave the past behind and move on with her life. As she seeks out peace and quiet in a new town, taking on a plot at Ivy Lane allotments seems like the perfect solution.
But the friendly Ivy Lane community has other ideas and gradually draw Tilly in to their cosy, comforting world of planting seedlings, organizing bake sales and planning seasonal parties.
As the seasons pass, will Tilly learn to stop hiding amongst the sweetpeas and let people back into her life – and her heart?
I first saw this book as 4 separate eBook installments available for the kindle and eReaders on Netgalley, but I decided to wait until the entire 4 parts was brought out as one book. I'm so glad that I did, because not only is the cover delightful (as they all were and are) but to read each part consecutively without having to wait, is perfect. I couldn't wait anyway, because no sooner as I;d finished one part, I HAD to continue into the next part.
Each part is dedicated to the four seasons, Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn (in that order) and it follows the lives of truly beautiful and heart warming characters who meet and become friends on Ivy Lane allotments. Reading this on a sunny weekend had me doing all I could to stop going outside and digging in my own garden! The main character whom we meet is Tilly and she starts a new job in a primary school and we get the feeling that she's starting over again because of something awful in her past.
Personally, I had no idea what had happened completely that made Tilly want to start over. She keeps herself to herself (or at least she intends to) and slowly she finds herself opening up to those at Ivy Lane allotments and shoots of fresh growth appear in her over time. She finds that she shares her allotment plot (16B) with Gemma whom has a daughter - who spends more time being grounded (no pun intended) than not. I loved how the friendhsip between Gemma and Tilly bloomed and blossomed. I'd love to have been friends with them - they were a right hoot!
Personally, I had no idea what had happened completely that made Tilly want to start over. She keeps herself to herself (or at least she intends to) and slowly she finds herself opening up to those at Ivy Lane allotments and shoots of fresh growth appear in her over time. She finds that she shares her allotment plot (16B) with Gemma whom has a daughter - who spends more time being grounded (no pun intended) than not. I loved how the friendhsip between Gemma and Tilly bloomed and blossomed. I'd love to have been friends with them - they were a right hoot!
Remember me saying that Tilly wants to keep herself to herself and just tend to her patch? Well it seems that Ivy Lane's residents have other plans... Gemma's Mum gets Tilly involved with the committee and before long Tilly finds herself staring at a camera talking about her allotment when Ivy Lane takes part in a TV show. But if that wasn't hard enough for Tilly, she finds herself having feelings for a certain producer. But does he feel the same way? And if he does, would Tilly even allow herself to act upon her feelings?
Ivy Lane is full of action, with community service being paid back with offenders, and Charlie falling for Tilly and Tilly just wanting to be friends.... then there is a heavily pregnant drama when waters burst, and places catching fire... oh it's non-stop and so damn enjoyable! I didn't want to leave Ivy Lane... EVER!!! I want to go back!!!
If I wasn't giving maximum rating hearts out of 5 on A Page of Love, Ivy Lane would have at least triple that amount, but I have to settle for 5 gorgeously humongous hearts for this book! Go get your copy now, fall in love, buy some vegetable seeds, grow a patch in your garden this year, and embrace the love that is, Ivy Lane.
After four years of flinging herself round the dancefloors of Nottingham's nightspots, Cathy somehow managed to get an honours degree in business. She then plunged herself into the corporate world of marketing, working on high-powered projects such as testing the firing range of SuperSoaker water guns and perfecting the weeing action of Tiny Tears. After making it onto Timmy Mallet's Christmas card list, she realised it was time to move on and so in 1995 set up her own marketing agency.
She now lives in a Nottinghamshire village with her husband, two daughters and a dog called Pearl.
Random Facts about Cathy Bramley:
She now lives in a Nottinghamshire village with her husband, two daughters and a dog called Pearl.
Random Facts about Cathy Bramley:
Lucky charm: pottery frog out of a Christmas cracker
Favourite tipple: Polish cherry vodka
Best ever Christmas present: potter's wheel (toy version)
Hates the expression: 'Compliments to the chef'
Favourite tipple: Polish cherry vodka
Best ever Christmas present: potter's wheel (toy version)
Hates the expression: 'Compliments to the chef'
Find her here:
Book News: Cherry Pie Island- The Grand Reopening of Dandelion Cafe (Book 1)
Thursday, 26 February 2015
I am so so excited to discover and now share with you the fabulous NEW and EXCITING book series from Jenny Oliver. I think we all discovered just how much I loved her Parisian Christmas Bake Off so when I found out about a new series... the Cherry Pie Island series I was deliriously excited. More so when Carina UK sent me Book 1 of the exciting 4 part series via Netgalley.
I haven't been able to put it down and I'm sure the review will be here for you to read before Monday!
So why am I so excited? Well, it's JENNY OLIVER people... and its the sweetest name ever... CHERRY PIE! Oh My Goodness it just makes you want to sit out in the garden / at the beach / alongside a river / etc and read it! But let me share the COVER with you as it stands at the moment... It could change, it's not due out until March 27th... so these things can happen.
So Book 1 is called The Grand Re-Opening of Dandelion Cafe and is truly as sweet and funny as it sounds.
Here's what the blurb says;
I haven't been able to put it down and I'm sure the review will be here for you to read before Monday!
So why am I so excited? Well, it's JENNY OLIVER people... and its the sweetest name ever... CHERRY PIE! Oh My Goodness it just makes you want to sit out in the garden / at the beach / alongside a river / etc and read it! But let me share the COVER with you as it stands at the moment... It could change, it's not due out until March 27th... so these things can happen.
So Book 1 is called The Grand Re-Opening of Dandelion Cafe and is truly as sweet and funny as it sounds.
Here's what the blurb says;
Welcome to Jenny Oliver’s brand new Cherry Pie Island series!
There’s nowhere more deliciously welcoming
When Annie White steps back onto Cherry Pie Island, it’s safe to say Dandelion Café has definitely seen better days! Her childhood home on the Thames-side island idyll is exactly the same retreat from the urban bustle of London as she remembers - but Annie’s not convinced that new owner of The Dandelion Cafe is a title she’s thrilled about.
One (shoestring budget) makeover, a few delightful additions to the somewhat retro menu and a lot of cherry pie tastings later, The Dandelion Café is ready for its grand reopening! But however delicious the legendary cherry pie, that’s definitely not enough to make her come home for good. However, the islanders themselves are a different story – but is Annie ready to let the island, and all those that live there, become her recipe for true happiness?
The Grand Reopening of Dandelion Café is Book 1 in The Cherry Pie Island series. Each part of Cherry Pie Island can be read and enjoyed as a standalone story – or as part of the utterly delightful series.
I urge you to go pre-order it now for the cherry sweet (see what I did there... very sweet = cherry sweet...? ) anyway, it's priced at £1.79 on amazon right now, so ensure you get yours delivered straight to your kindle at MIDNIGHT on the 27th of March! You seriously won't want to miss out on this!!
Title: The Cake Shop in the Garden
Author: Carole Matthews
Publishers: Little Brown Books, Sphere
Format: Hardback / Paperback / Kindle
A Page of Love Rating:

Fay Merryweather runs her cake shop from her beautiful garden. She whips up airy sponges and scrumptious scones, while her customers enjoy the lovely blossoms and gorgeous blooms. Looking after the cake shop, the garden and her cantankerous mother means Fay is always busy but she accepts her responsibilities because if she doesn't do all this, who will?
Then Danny Wilde walks into her life and makes Fay question every decision she's ever made.
When a sudden tragedy strikes, Fay's entire world is thrown off balance even further and she doesn't know which way to turn. Can Fay find the strength to make a life-changing decision - even if it means giving up the thing she loves the most? Life, love and family are about to collide in The Cake Shop in the Garden.
I was so excited to read this book that when it did arrive (courtesy of Sphere, Thank You!!) all I could do was sit there and gaze lovingly at the book cover. I mean look at it, go on, take a few minutes to gaze adoringly at it, you can even stroke the screen if you want to, I won't tell. I do it too, shh!!
When I began reading it, I admit that I struggled to get in to it. I know a lot of people said they sat down to read it and couldn't put it down. But sadly, I did put it down, a few times. I know! I'm sorry! argh!
I got to around 150 pages in and then I gave myself a talking to and said, c'mon! Read this beautiful book! So that's exactly what I did. I sat and I read page after page...after page. Until I finished. I am so glad that I did, it was a really enjoyable story about taking what life deals you and making the best of it, and to do that, sometimes you have to put yourself first.
Fay Merryweather is an adorable character if somewhat a bit of a doormat and for that I feel sorry for her. Her mother, Miranda refuses to get out of bed and in the words of Fay's friend and employee Lija (the latvian who could give sailors a run for their money in terms of language usage!), 'All the Old Bag does is bangbangbang on the ceiling' when there is nothing wrong with her and she could actually get out of bed and do things herself.
Then their is Anthony, Fay's boyfriend of 10 years...dear god I don't know how she put up with him so long. He is perfectly dull and lacks passion. I mean for goodness sakes... his highlight of his life is sodding bell-ringing... when Fay went to one of his practices, I nearly died of boredom right there with her. (Well Done Carole on writing the most realistic dull chapter ever...it really helped to understand the characters). I have to admit I knew he was up to something a while before the bell rang in Fay's head... doormat... naive... or just doing what many women are guilty of doing in life at times (myself included) and refusing to see whats in front of her nose?
Then we have Edie, the 'perfect sister' in her mothers eyes. Far from perfect, and so damn well bloody annoying, (again, this is a credit to Carole because she encapsulates the characters personalities brilliantly). I thought that after a few encounters with Edie, I couldn't get more shocked by her, but when I thought she'd actually pull together with Edie when they lose someone dear to them, she shows that she really can be her mother's daughter, something even she likes to point out, on several occasions. There were many times when I could have swung for Edie, and I think I actually caught myself 'flicking her name' in the book just because I couldn't give her a swift slap! Edie is the 'other' woman, who is kept by a married man, and when he starts to show signs of getting fed up with her, bleeds Fay dry of her money that should have been to do up her fathers pride and joy, the Maid of Merryweather, the canal boat, but of course, Fay is not the most assertive, so Edie gets what Edie wants.
I loved Stan, and the fact that Carole included this wonderful character in this book was truly brilliant. Stan is a 93 year old war hero who has done things, seen things and felt things that so many of us in our lives can never dream of. I loved reading his little stories, and his character is just adorable.
Lija, complete with swearing is just the friend that every woman has, and if she doesn't she wants. There was nothing about Lija that I didn't like or love. I would love to read how she takes hold of the reigns of her new life, and I'm sure that Carole may just gift us that in the future. (If we ask nicely.... and beg.... and offer cake!)
I loved Stan, and the fact that Carole included this wonderful character in this book was truly brilliant. Stan is a 93 year old war hero who has done things, seen things and felt things that so many of us in our lives can never dream of. I loved reading his little stories, and his character is just adorable.
Lija, complete with swearing is just the friend that every woman has, and if she doesn't she wants. There was nothing about Lija that I didn't like or love. I would love to read how she takes hold of the reigns of her new life, and I'm sure that Carole may just gift us that in the future. (If we ask nicely.... and beg.... and offer cake!)
So, when Fay who doesn't grumble about life - although I wished she would have at times - spots delicious eye candy at the bottom of her garden in the form of young hot stud Danny, my heart leaped for her, and with her on occasions. Danny shows Fay what real love is like, and Anthony, well, hes a good guy, just not one to get the old pulse rate up. However, Fay's stuck in her ways and she might not be brave enough to be at one with her desires, Danny leaves, more than once, but will this time be the last time?
Overall, I love the characters, I love the story line, it did drag out in places for me personally, but I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and it still has Carole Matthews as one of my favourite authors.

When Rosa and Bee get together in the run-up to Bee's wedding, they reminisce about the holiday they took together as teenagers to the beautiful Greek island of Paros. They remember the sandy coves, the guest house in the converted windmill where they stayed with their friend Iona, and the gorgeous local men. As memories of that long-forgotten holiday resurface, they are forced to confront the turns their lives have taken - and the guilt they both feel about letting Iona slip away from them.
When they learn that the windmill guest house is going bust they form a plan: why not go back to the island and take it over themselves? And so begins a life-changing journey - because it turns out that opening a guest house and reliving their teenage dreams isn't that easy . . .
Full of romance and friendship, love and life, laughter and tears, The Beachside Guest House is an uplifting novel about the magic of starting over with friends by your side.

I am in love with book covers this year! I always pick up a book if it looks good... It kinda hurts to pick up a ... 'plain' book (I can't say that U word that has four letters and ends in Y...) so when I see pretty books like this one, my heart sings louder than the birds in the fields behind my house!
So, Ali McNamara is bringing us a Flower Shop themed story which for me is a breath of fresh air, we've had lots of baking themed ones, so I love the inventiveness of this already!
Let's see what the publishers tell us about the book;
Poppy Carmichael, 30, certainly never intended to own a florist. But when she inherits her grandmother's beloved flower shop on the beautiful Cornish coast, Poppy has no choice but to return to the pretty harbour town of St Felix where she spent much of her childhood.
Returning to St Felix brings back sad memories for Poppy. But when she makes new friends such as local flower grower Jake, a young widowed father of two teenagers, Poppy begins to overcome her fears, and discover for herself what's so special about this little flower shop by the sea.
The Little Flower Shop by the Sea is out on 7th May 2015.
Pre-order your copy now!
Buy it from Amazon: Kindle
Title: Summer at the Little Beach Street Bakery
Author: Jenny Colgan
Publishers: Sphere
Publication Date: 26th February 2015
Source: Netgalley - eBook ARC
Buy Via Amazon: Kindle or Paperback

Summer has arrived in the Cornish town of Mount Polbearne and Polly Waterford couldn't be happier. Because Polly is in love: she's in love with the beautiful seaside town she calls home, she's in love with running the bakery on Beach Street, and she's in love with her boyfriend, Huckle.
And yet there's something unsettling about the gentle summer breeze that's floating through town. Selina, recently widowed, hopes that moving to Mount Polbearne will ease her grief, but Polly has a secret that could destroy her friend's fragile recovery. Responsibilities that Huckle thought he'd left behind are back and Polly finds it hard to cope with his increasingly long periods of absence.
Polly sifts flour, kneads dough and bakes bread, but nothing can calm the storm she knows is coming: is Polly about to lose everything she loves?
Jenny Colgan has done it again! She has written a book highly, and undoubtedly worthy of being a Bestseller!
I couldn't wait to curl up and read this summer based novel in the midst of winter. It was the perfect companion as I sat dreaming of warmer, brighter days, and a little beach side town complete with bakery seemed like the perfect location to dream.
Summer at Little Beach Street Bakery is a continuation of Polly's story from Little Beach Street Bakery. However I believe that you can read this even if you haven't read the first book because, Jenny, as always ever thoughtful to her audience and readers introduces Polly and quickly catches us up with what has been occurring in Polly's life and the lighthouse and that ever so handsome Huckle.
Summer at Little Beach Street Bakery sounds perfect, and idyllic but with all the twists, turns and tears as Polly navigates her way through the ever so adorable Puffin and has to make some very huge and tear jerking decisions about where he should live, then she has to carry on whilst Huckle flies off to America to help out his brothers partner who is struggling to keep the farm going whilst his brother gallivants around without a care in the world. This may not seem much to contend with, but Polly could be about to lose the bakery, and if she does, what will she do next? Will the people of Mount Polbearne stick by her and help her in her hour of need, or will she always be seen as an outsider? Then there is the personal matter of friendships, Polly is friendly with everyone, and the fishermen regularly stop by for food and advice, but with the town still grieving from the last drama, can Mount Polbearne really cope with another storm heaving their way? Will a falling out between friends mean that some innocent family pay the ultimate price amongst crashing waves and a lighthouse without light? Surely Summer should be bringing happiness, fun and love?
Whilst I loved this book utterly, and would easily re-read this again because the story and characters are so lovable, I have to admit that I shed tears at one distinct point in the book which unearthed my level of sensitivity emotionally.
"Oh my gosh. I actually cried #puffinsanctuary tears. I hope things get better for Polly, Huckle and Neil... love Neil! He's the puffing equivalent to Oleg the meerkat!! "I found myself getting through the book rather rapidly because I couldn't wait to find out what happened next, it is an utterly transfixing novel because you simply struggle to put it down. Polly comes face to face with her fears - plural - and her strength, determination and love shine through without a doubt. I loved Polly, and that cute puffin, Neil (whom I can report has a little children's book out very soon), and was delighted when happy surprises came her way because she truly deserved it.
"omg beautiful book! tears all round, happiness and cheers!!! "
There was so much action in this book that there is no time to get bored with the story line, every single page in the book is action packed, emotionally charging, and mentally stimulating.
I can't wait to find out what happens next in Polly's life and in the Bakery. And, that cute Puffin Neil... I want more of him! He may have led me to shed tears more than once throughout this book, but he will forever stay in my heart.
Polly heard a CRASH downstairs. Was it a monster? NO! Was it a spider alien? NO!
It was a little puffin with a broken wing...
When Polly discovers an injured puffin, she and her mummy look after him in their cottage by the sea.
Slowly, Neil's wing heals and Polly must prepare herself to say goodbye to her new friend. Will she ever see him again?
Perfect for bedtime stories and early readers. From the author of The Little Beach Street Bakery.
Contains recipies, activities and jokes in addition to the story.
Title: Silent Scream - A D.I. Kim Stone Novel (Book 1)
Author: Angela Marsons
Publisher: Bookouture
Availability/RRP : eBook/Kindle - £1.99 (You can pre-order now for £0.99) Paperback - £7.99
Publishing Date: 20th February 2015
A Page of Love Rating:

When a headmistress is found brutally strangled, the death marks the beginning of a spate of gruesome murders that shock the Black Country.
But as human remains are discovered at a former children’s home, disturbing secrets are also unearthed. D.I. Kim Stone fast realises she’s on the hunt for a twisted individual whose killing spree spans decades.
As the body count rises, Kim needs to stop the murderer before they strike again. But to catch the killer, can Kim confront the demons of her own past – before it’s too late?
OMG!! I warn you now, this review may not be as calm and composed as my others because I am just too excited about this book, so it may be a long excited rant from me.
Firstly, this book is of a genre that I have NEVER read before, and therefore I have never thought about reviewing or showcasing here on A Page of Love. But I am so glad that I gave it a chance. I read it within a week, I could have read it much quicker but as a University student I was time limited. Anyway, when I first saw Bookouture debut the cover on Facebook, my first reaction was and after reading it still is;
This looks (and is) perfect for any fans of Broadchurch, or Suspects.
I'd now go as far to say that if you love watching programs such as; Rosemary & Thyme, Midsummer Murders, Lewis, perhaps a bit of CSI, then you will love this book.
I won't go into what you will read in this book for two reasons; firstly I really don't want to spoil it for you and if I began talking about the plot, then I know i'd ramble on and spoil it, and secondly, I have a small excerpt for you at the end of this review. What I will say is that I loved it from start to finish.
This book is set in the Black Country, an area I know and also an area my father worked in as a Police Officer. I can attest that this book is very very accurate in its location descriptions (names too!) and as I was reading it I found myself actually mind transporting myself to the location. The actual crime site is a place I know and when Angie spoke of looking across to the crematorium, I could easily imagine it as it was in that very crematorium that we held the service when my Father passed away in 2004 (which coincidentally was attended by hundreds of retired Police Officers/Inspectors etc) so it all felt incredibly real to me, if not a little raw. I know my Father would have been intrigued and very much eager to read this novel, and to be honest, I would have been listening to him begging me to speak to Angie about it all and then he would have rambled on about his 33 years of service in the force and told her all about the murders her attended... Throughout reading, it was almost as though I could hear him in my mind telling me all this.
Back to the book (I warned you i'd ramble a bit with excitement), The characters and the rapport between them is brilliant, the dialogue is believable, and the whole entire story kept me on the edge of my seat as I tried to crack the case with Kim Stone.
Kim, is a strong character, she is intuitive, she is gutsy, she is determined and she is passionate. She is everything that you'd want in a D.I. and I think Angie has created one of the top crime characters in our time. I really do. I think if she were to be transported to Broadchurch, she'd whip them all into shape!
At times the book was gruesome beyond belief (for me - a crime fiction virgin), especially when you read the 'thoughts' of the murderer and I felt my stomach churn, my eyes stung with the revolt of such crimes, but as much as that could have put me off, I had to take a reality check, that in fact we are sadly, living in times when crimes like this does happen, and the police force has to face this every day, and for that, I think Angie has written a very accurate account in fiction form. This made it believable, and when we read fiction, we want to be sucked in, and we want to believe in the characters, Angie has made that happen in Silent Scream.
I was guessing right up until the end about who had committed such acts, and whilst I shed tears towards the end, and I completely got the criminal wrong (clearly I don't have my Father's Nose for solving crime)... I had a damn good time reading it and I'm ready for the next case...the next book.
Please don't let us have to wait long Angie... You have converted me to actually wanting to read crime fiction.
I'll leave you to read the excerpt now, and encourage you to buy it, read it and PLEASE let me know your thoughts on this book.
"Five figures formed a pentagram around a freshly dug mound. Only they knew it was a grave. Digging the frozen earth beneath the layers of ice and snow had been like trying to carve stone but they’d taken turns. All of them. An adult-sized hole would have taken longer.
The shovel had passed from grip to grip. Some were hesitant, tentative. Others more assured. No one resisted and no one spoke. The innocence of the life taken was known to them all but the pact had been made. Their secrets would be buried.
Five heads bowed towards the dirt, visualising the body beneath soil that already glistened with fresh ice. As the first flakes dusted the top of the grave, a shudder threaded through the group. The five figures dispersed, their footprints treading the trail of a star into the fresh, crisp snow. It was done."
Angela Marsons was born and raised in the Black Country and still lives there, along with her long-term partner, as well as a bouncy Labrador and a potty-mouthed African Grey parrot. Although she has been writing since her early teens, Silent Scream is her first novel.
Angela discovered a love of writing at Primary School when a short piece on the rocks and the sea gained her the only merit point she ever got.
Angela wrote the stories that burned inside and then stored them safely in a desk drawer.
After much urging from her partner she began to enter short story competitions in Writer's News resulting in a win and three short listed entries.
She used the Amazon KDP program to publish two of her earlier works before concentrating on her true passion - Crime.
After many, many submissions Angela was signed in a 4 book deal to http://bookouture.comas their first crime author.
Her first book SILENT SCREAM will be published in February 2015.
A Page of Love is a place where we can come and sit, chat and read about a wide variety of tranquil activities (namely books and crochet) and share our love for the books we read, and the things we make.
Today, I want to share with you an aspect of my life that is actually becoming a more talked about interest/belief as we become more open minded about life (and death!). As book bloggers and certainly as book readers we know of the many books out there that move us to tears. We sob our little hearts out and sales in Kleenex rapidly rise (Not an absolute fact). When a much loved character dies (Think the Harry Potter series), when we read about the tragic journey of illness and death of either a Celebrity (Lynda Bellingham), or a epic novel that becomes a epic movie (The Fault in Our Stars), we become all to aware of death and our own expiry date.

But to lift us out of the sadness we have to live with hope. And, the one way in which people do this, especially when they have lost a loved one is to think about the possibility that life continues after death in some way. We like to hope that there is 'someone' or 'something' bigger than we are, and 'out there' that we can call upon, talk to and maybe receive a sign from. We do this as a coping mechanism for our grief. I know from my own experience with losing loved ones, that whilst your heart is breaking beyond belief, you like to think that they can still hear you, see you, touch you and be with you.
From this, we can seek comfort in talking to them as if they are still here, we place Guardian Angel stones on their graves, or next to their photos on the mantle, and if we look a little further into the book shelves in the bookstore as we search for the next great read, we might just come across books about 'Angels' and they are filled with experiences and accounts of people just like you and me who go about our day to day life and we come across a white feather just at that moment when we are thinking about of dear departed Grandma, or we're not sure about applying for that job and we hear our Dad's favourite song on the radio. And just for a second, we wonder, and we hope and we believe. And in that second, that helps us to carry on and live our lives in honour of them.
So today, I want to bring a little hope, a little belief and strength to your day by exploring the subject of Angels and Our Loved Ones in heaven watching over us. I have for you, a beautiful and hopefully comforting interview with a beautiful author; Theresa Cheung, who has written so many books she deserves a book store to herself, and we're going to discuss the subject of angels and receiving signs and messages from heaven.
Today, I want to share with you an aspect of my life that is actually becoming a more talked about interest/belief as we become more open minded about life (and death!). As book bloggers and certainly as book readers we know of the many books out there that move us to tears. We sob our little hearts out and sales in Kleenex rapidly rise (Not an absolute fact). When a much loved character dies (Think the Harry Potter series), when we read about the tragic journey of illness and death of either a Celebrity (Lynda Bellingham), or a epic novel that becomes a epic movie (The Fault in Our Stars), we become all to aware of death and our own expiry date.
But to lift us out of the sadness we have to live with hope. And, the one way in which people do this, especially when they have lost a loved one is to think about the possibility that life continues after death in some way. We like to hope that there is 'someone' or 'something' bigger than we are, and 'out there' that we can call upon, talk to and maybe receive a sign from. We do this as a coping mechanism for our grief. I know from my own experience with losing loved ones, that whilst your heart is breaking beyond belief, you like to think that they can still hear you, see you, touch you and be with you.
From this, we can seek comfort in talking to them as if they are still here, we place Guardian Angel stones on their graves, or next to their photos on the mantle, and if we look a little further into the book shelves in the bookstore as we search for the next great read, we might just come across books about 'Angels' and they are filled with experiences and accounts of people just like you and me who go about our day to day life and we come across a white feather just at that moment when we are thinking about of dear departed Grandma, or we're not sure about applying for that job and we hear our Dad's favourite song on the radio. And just for a second, we wonder, and we hope and we believe. And in that second, that helps us to carry on and live our lives in honour of them.
Dawn: I'm aware of your work with writing about mind body and spirit topics, especially books about angels and deceased loved ones. But for anyone reading who may not have known about you or your work, could you give us a little introduction about yourself?
Theresa: There's a lot about my life and spiritual journey in my books but in short I was born into a family of psychics and spiritualists, studied theology and English at King's college, Cambridge University and then launched into a career in teaching, journalism and writing. Have written countless books on health in mind, body and spirit and have two Sunday Times top 10 best sellers to my credit. My next book, How to Find Heaven will be published in July 2015.
Dawn: A lot of your books are about angels and everyday experiences that people have with angels and loved ones in heaven, and not all of them are what some would describe as "New agey", could you expand upon this?
Theresa: I dislike the term new age because to me it doesn't mean anything. There is nothing new age about the search for meaning in life. My books are about ordinary people, like myself, who have extraordinary experiences and these experiences prove to them that this life is not all that there is. I hope when people read my books they will see that heaven can speak to us in many different ways and all we need to do is notice these ways, see the magic in the everyday. Once we do that heaven starts speaking to us all the time through signs, dreams, coincidences and magical encounters.
Dawn: I completely agree and the term 'New Age', I feel is inappropriate to describe these experiences and beliefs. In your books you explain the difference between an angelic experience and one with deceased loved ones, how would people reading the blog know if they've experienced such?
Theresa: Angelic experiences tend to be coincidences, subtle signs, or bursts of intuition that seem to come out of nowhere and convince us we are being guided or watched over. It may also involve hearing or seeing things you can't explain. Contact with departed loved ones tends to occur in dreams, a sense that your loved one is around you or on rare occasions full blown visions. However, both angelic experiences and departed loved one experiences are heaven sent so in my mind they are interchangeable.
Dawn: When we lose someone we loved are naturally devastated and bereaved deeply, but some people say that they can feel their loved ones around them or they just know. Do you think this is part of grief and denial, or is it the possibility that our loved ones are reaching out to us from heaven?
Theresa: The grief process is important because we need to mourn the loss of a loved one's physical presence before we can enter fully into a new relationship with them in spirit. During the grieving process, however, many people report feeling their loved one close by and this is because grief is painful and in spirit our loved ones want to help us through that painful journey - they want to comfort us by reminding us that love is stronger the death.
Dawn: I've been psychic and spiritually aware since childhood, so one of my first memories of seeing spirits was when I was 3 years old and I saw a little girl on my landing. What's your first memory of experiencing spirit?
Theresa: You are way ahead of me. I am in awe and a little jealous:) my first experience wasn't until my early 30s when I believe the voice of my mother in spirit saved me from almost certain death by telling me at the last minute to turn right instead of left. If I had turned left as I originally intended I would have been involved in a motorway pile up with multiple casualties. I still have not had visions but I have had astonishing dreams, bursts of intuition and spectacular coincidences.
Dawn: Isn't it truly extraordinary how hearing the voice of your mother literally saved you. Can anyone see angels and loved ones in heaven or is it something you can't learn?
Theresa: Heaven is our birthright so I believe we all have that potential. Some of us, however, are more naturally sensitive to spirit than others and these are usually people with great empathy for others.
Dawn: Is there anything we can do to enhance the opportunity to feel/see/hear loved ones in heaven and angels?
Theresa: Yes, open your mind to the possibility of magic in your everyday life and to the idea that heaven is real. An open mind is incredibly powerful. Expect the unexpected.
Dawn: We love reading books here at A Page of Love, but we also like to find out about the authors writing them. What has been your favourite book to write and why?
Theresa: I fall in love with every book I write but my next book due to be published in July 2015 is something I am very proud of. It is a book I simply could not have written until now and is a culmination of all my research and experience to date. It may also be a little controversial as I tackle some really tough questions - like why do bad things happen to good people - but I hope my readers will be inspired by it.
Dawn: It sounds very interesting, and I am sure that readers will enjoy it. For anyone who's reading and maybe hasn't ever read about the topics which you write about, but is interested, what would you recommend them to read first?
Theresa: A book I wrote a few years ago, published by Simon and Schuster and called How to See Your Angels is a really good introduction.
Dawn: When you're not writing, what do you enjoy doing?
Theresa: Thinking about my books:)
Dawn: I love thinking about books too ha ha. Do you read books from the chick lit/ women's fiction genre, and if so what's your favourite, and which author/s do you enjoy reading?
Theresa: As I'm always writing I don't read as much as I used to and if I do read I tend to read around my subject area. I recently read Gone Girl and kind of liked that but typically my favourite books are those like The Celestine Prophecy or The First Five People you meet in heaven.
Dawn: Gone Girl has been a big hit, I'm yet to read it myself. You have a new book coming out later this year, which we've briefly mentioned, so what can we expect from it?
Theresa: A lot I hope as it took me over a year to write and with a title like How to find Heaven you can imagine how much I could include and I do try to cover all the major world religions as paths to heaven and what the difference between religion and spirituality is and how to know what the right path is for you. So a huge project and it is close to 100,000 words. Luckily my editor at Simon and Schuster happy with the word count.
Dawn: Wow! That is a lot of words! Do you have plans to write further books and what topics?
Theresa: Yes, I'm very fortunate as have recently been signed up to write my 2016 title and this one will be called Secrets of Heaven. It will be a bit of a magical, mystery tour of the afterlife using near death experiences as a guide to reveal the secrets of heaven and earth.
You can follow Theresa Cheung on Twitter www.twitter.com/TheresaCheung1
You can like Theresa Cheung’s Facebook page
Dawn: Congratulations on being signed for 2016! It's been so lovely sitting down and talking with you, I'm sure readers have learnt something new and perhaps will look for a sign from their angels and loved ones in heaven today. Thank you for being so inspirational and I look forward to welcoming you back soon to talk about your new book in detail xxx
I would love to hear your feedback, Have you ever sensed a loved one or received a sign from an angelic presence or heaven? Maybe you've read one of Theresa's books... get in touch and share the love.
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