For the celebrations, you've heard from two of my favourite authors and friends, and you've heard from me, so I want to end the celebrations by letting my blog be taken over for the day by a book loving, always reading friend of mine, Pixie Allen.
I have known Pixie for quite a few years now, in fact it's to remember not knowing her and not being friends. We instantly clicked and have been double trouble ever since. :) We both love books and I know that we each share many books we both love, but we also have books that aren't in each other's niche... but then we have more to talk about and well, I think by combining us both together we could open a bookstore that would be somewhere in between "You've Got Mail's" Bookshop Around the Corner and Fox's Books... although our ethos would very much be "Around the Corner style"!
Anyway, without further ado, here is the beautiful Pixie Allen telling you why she loves reading chick lit, her dreams, and why her beautiful boys love reading too!
I always feel a tad
awkward starting a guest blog off, for many reasons really but mainly just
because I never know where to start.
Dawn was lovely enough to ask me to write about my love of chick lit
books and, well, I’m going to try my very best to make it legible.
I guess I should
start by telling you about me, my name’s Pixie, I’m a business owner and mom of
two tremendous children and wife to one amazing husband, we are, for the moment
city dwellers but dream of living out in the English countryside, surrounded by
green hills and chirping birds and that unmistakable smell of.... well.....
fresh air (I know where you thought I was going!)
For as long as I
can remember I’ve been a book worm, since picking up my first book which I
believe was Meg and Mog by Helen Nicholl and Jan Pienkowski I was hooked, back
then I was drawn in by the big flashes of colour and cool illustrations, and
not to mention that Meg was a pretty lousy witch! I soon progressed through to older books; my
teachers could always find me in the library section of the classroom lay on
the carpet surrounded by books. They
used to test me to see if I understood what I was reading because I could read
fast and therefore was finishing books ahead of time, much to the annoyance of
my peer’s lol But they were always
pleasantly surprised that I could explain each step of the story and even hand
in book reviews (I told you I was a book geek).

As I grew up my
love for literature only grew and I was never too far away from the world of
fiction. I had secret aspirations to
become a writer but that’s still something I’ve not yet pursued. What I used to love about chick lit, and
still love about it to this day, is the talent that the writer has, I know from
the first paragraph whether that book is for me. I want the author to pull me in to the story
so much so that I feel like I’m actually in that story with them, that I can
see the characters as if I was on a film set and I was watching the story
unfold through my very own eyes.
The thing is with
chick lit, for me at least, I can totally chill out when I’m reading it, I know
it’s going to relax me, and give me some down time, or escape time, without
actually having to leave the house. I
love delving into other peoples worlds and fiction always always gives me that
‘coming home’ feeling. A good book is
more valuable to me than any other item I own, because a book can continue to
inspire me for moths after I’ve read the last page.

My grandma always
used to say, a good book will live in your soul for all eternity, I sometimes
think I’m one of the few who actually still feels this way about books, loosing
yourself in a book is almost like meditation, you know the endings going to
give you goose bumps, it will keep you focused on the highest good and it will
continue to make you happy just by thinking about it.

I’ve passed my love
of books on to my children too who love to read, they are huge Roald Dahl and David
Walliams Fans, I see so much of myself in them, especially when I walk into
their rooms and they are lay on the floor surrounded by books... gives me happy
squishes to see it.
Every few years a
debate hits the news about how outdated books are and how everything should be
in e-book format. I have to touch on
this and say... the thought of not actually being able to hold a book in my
hands is terrifying, I can’t imagine what a terrible impact that would have, it
would close down so many book shops, and I know a lot of people like the e-book
thing, but for me I’m not a fan, I want to be able to hold an actual book, not
a tablet, with a glaring back light, I remember the years of reading my books
in bed under the covers with a torch so I wouldn’t get caught after lights out!

I’ll leave you
today with this question ... What do you get from a book that you can’t get
from anywhere else?
Oh and one last
thing before I go, a BIG Thank You to
Dawn, for asking me to join in on her Blogiversary celebrations, I’m so very
proud of this little niche you’ve created, keep it up, it’s amazing.
Bright Blessings
& Moonbeams
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