Hi Lovely!
How are you? How was your weekend? I'm just sitting with a nice lemon tea (my favourite beverage) and thought I'd pop in and have a chat with you about a book that I've recently read. This book is not only a real treat to read that actually helped me get out of a reading slump, but it's actually making me feel quite broody! Now my Mr is aware I've been reading the book and he said "the book sounds so good" but I don't think he quite knows the fact that its made me broody haha. So, Mr, if you're ready this on your day off whilst I'm being "Moaning Myrtle" - as in Myrtle Warren (HARRY POTTER DAY!) at work then - .... Surprise haha, Your girlfriend is officially broody!

The First Time Mums' Club is the debut novel from Lucie Wheeler. HarperImpulse published it and I was fortunate enough to receive an eBook ARC from them (Thank you HarperImpulse).
You can purchase your copy from Amazon here (paperback is out 13th July)
As you can see, the cover is delightful, and you can obsviosuly work out that it's a novel about a group of women who are pregnant - for the first time. Shall we see what the blurb says?
A gorgeous, heartwarming debut for fans of Giovanna Fletcher, Paige Toon and The Unmumsy Mum!
Meet Pippa…
After years of trying and a failed IVF attempt, Pippa is thrilled to see two little lines appear on a pregnancy test. Finally a precious baby to call her own. This is all Pippa has ever wanted…if only husband Jason could show just a little excitement.
A baby is the icing on the cake for Imogen and Alice – proof that their love for each other can overcome any obstacle. But when Imogen starts receiving malicious texts, it's clear that not everyone is thrilled about the girls' good news.
And Ellie…
A drunken one-night stand and Ellie's life is ruined! Pregnant, jobless and the relationship with her best friend, Chris, over- forever. Because Chris just happens to be the father of Ellie's baby…and potentially the love of her life!
For these first time mums the road to motherhood is bumpier than most!
I loved this book from start to finish, I genuinely did. I am very fortunate that 98% of the books I receive are spot on with regards to my interests and this was one of those. I love supporting debut authors because you are potentially holding their dream, their 'book baby' in your hands and they are trusting you to be honest and be gentle with it. This can sometimes scare me as a blogger because I always have to remind myself - that I have nothing of their previous work to compare it to, this is it. This is the first impression going out into the world.
Lucie, I'll put you at ease; as far as I'm concerned you have a beautiful bouncing book baby here and I can't wait to see what you bring us next.
Lucie, I'll put you at ease; as far as I'm concerned you have a beautiful bouncing book baby here and I can't wait to see what you bring us next.
So why did I like it so much?
Well, firstly the topic; new mums. This is something that of course at my age I've thought about and I've talked about - a lot, it is something that I've literally dreamt about on many occasions. Literally. Becoming a mum for the first time as much as it can be joyous, i'm sure that a lot of mums will agree with me here when I say that it can be the most terrifying, emotional, scary yet exhilarating experience ever. I know for myself personally, as much as I a m looking forward to becoming a Mum - and believe me I am - I've got the crochet homemade baby blanket patterns, ideas and booties all ready in my mind, along with the nursery decor, it actually does scare me a little.
Lucie shares this journey with you in The First Time Mums' Club so brilliantly and she weaves in so many possibilities for a first time pregnancy that I am sure there is something that everyone can identify with. We have the couple that's been trying for years, couples who've tried IVF, same sex marriage and parenthood, couples who break up, couples who do the unthinkable, and then we have the "friends with benefits" couple. It's jam packed with gorgeous storylines that you will find it very hard to become bored with the story.
So many important topics came up in this book that I feel I need to mention; same sex marriage and the trials and tribulations that come with it, miscarriage, abortion, decision making, infidelity, twins, juggling motherhood and work. And that's just to share a few.
All I will say, is that the epilogue could have been lengthened and turned into a follow up book because I would have loved to have read about the first year as parents. Other than that, it is a splendid debut, a spectacular storyline and one that I will be recommending for a long time to come. Congratulations Lucie!!!
Therefore I am awarding this book 4.5/5 stars.
Hello Lovely,
I've started to get back into my reading now that University has finished for the year (Yay!). I feel that I haven't been able to fully immerse myself into reading for quite some time but that renewed sense of passion and enjoyment has returned, gladly.
Today I want to share a book with you that I had on my kindle sitting patiently for some time and I managed to read it only through it being required reading for my final university assignment. I believe this book to be one of a kind and one that truly touched me deeply with the topic it centred around. If you've not yet read it then I urge you to do so at the earliest possible time. It will warm your heart and break it utterly and completely.
One is written by Sarah Crossan, published by Bloomsbury Children's, has 192 pages. I read the ebook version that I purchased myself and which you can purchase here
This book won a lot of awards which is why it was a required reading for my children's literature university course. Shall we see what the blurb says?
Grace and Tippi don't like being stared and sneered at, but they're used to it. They're conjoined twins - united in blood and bone.
What they want is to be looked at in turn, like they truly are two people. They want real friends. And what about love?
But a heart-wrenching decision lies ahead for Tippi and Grace. One that could change their lives more than they ever asked for...
This moving and beautifully crafted novel about identity, sisterhood and love ultimately asks one question: what does it mean to want and have a soulmate?
The ONE book you have to read this summer! Incredibly moving and extraordinarily crafted, it explores the unbreakable bond and love between sisters. Winner of The CILIP Carnegie Medal in 2016.
You can see from the blurb that this book sounds brilliant can't you? I have to say that I found this book to be an incredibly easy read and that was for 2 reason's; (1) It was a beautifully gripping storyline that just hooked you in and made you want to keep turning pages and (2) because of the format in which it was set out in. The layout of the text in this book looked a like the way in which one sees poetry written and published.
What I loved about this book was that you could very easily tell that Sarah has researched the storyline with incredible detail, compassion and a level of authentic understanding. As this book is the story of conjoined twins; Tippi and Grace the story is narrated by only one twin. We learn the 'normality' of their life and the fact that they are very much aware of 'those questions' so many want to ask about their daily lives that they dare not to. Questions such as; "Is it hard to shower and see each other naked?" "What's it like when you go to the toilet?" "Will you be able to have children of your own?", "Do you wish that you were normal?". All very valid, and private questions. However what this book does spectacularly well is bring to light the true question; What is "normal"?
But the reality of their life is that during their childhood, as the children growing up today, we live in a very social media focused world. We see it every day with events happening all around the world, in seconds, an event, an accident, or for teenagers today, an embarrassing moment in their life can be streamed live across the world at the touch of a button. Tippi and Grace live in this world which is hard enough for any teenager, but for conjoined twins who are prone to being looked at and treated like a circus act it is understandably difficult.
Tippi and Grace are my sheroes this year. They embrace all of life's 'challenges' and they swat them away without a second thought. However, as we see in this book, being so 'medically challenged' as some would say leaves them open to all sorts of medical challenges. Challenges that not even the medical staff at the top of their game know the answers to. And I for one can completely understand just how terrifying that thought is.
We see that Tippi and Grace are just normal girls, growing up, learning how to navigate their way in life and the trials of being a teenager. Subjects that we take for granted; falling in love, dating, learning to drive, recovering after an illness, and such.
Without spoiling the story, I have to say that the ending utterly broke me. I lay in bed eager to finish this book before falling asleep and I sobbed my heart out. I sobbed because of the true brilliance of Sarah's talent for writing, I sobbed for Tippi, and I sobbed for Grace. But just like in recent weeks here in the UK, at times when things are really horrific and heartbreaking in the most painful of ways, we see figures of the public pull together and show true compassion and humanity. If anything, this book truly shows that no matter just how ripped apart we can be and how life can throw the most cruelest of curveballs of loss, pain, and difficult decisions, it can also bring with it unconditional love, understanding, togetherness and unity.
Truly this book shows that no matter what. We are all ONE. Which is why I easily award this book 5/5 stars.
I would like to dedicate this review to all the victims that have suffered here in the UK in the past few weeks; the victims of the Westminster Attack, the beautiful people who are victims of the Manchester Attack, and the victims of the awful tragedy of Grenfell Tower Fire. Each and every ONE of you are in my heart, faces and names that I promise I will never forget. My love, my thoughts, and my prayers are forever with each and every one of you.
We are all ONE.
I've started to get back into my reading now that University has finished for the year (Yay!). I feel that I haven't been able to fully immerse myself into reading for quite some time but that renewed sense of passion and enjoyment has returned, gladly.
Today I want to share a book with you that I had on my kindle sitting patiently for some time and I managed to read it only through it being required reading for my final university assignment. I believe this book to be one of a kind and one that truly touched me deeply with the topic it centred around. If you've not yet read it then I urge you to do so at the earliest possible time. It will warm your heart and break it utterly and completely.
One is written by Sarah Crossan, published by Bloomsbury Children's, has 192 pages. I read the ebook version that I purchased myself and which you can purchase here
This book won a lot of awards which is why it was a required reading for my children's literature university course. Shall we see what the blurb says?
Grace and Tippi don't like being stared and sneered at, but they're used to it. They're conjoined twins - united in blood and bone.
What they want is to be looked at in turn, like they truly are two people. They want real friends. And what about love?
But a heart-wrenching decision lies ahead for Tippi and Grace. One that could change their lives more than they ever asked for...
This moving and beautifully crafted novel about identity, sisterhood and love ultimately asks one question: what does it mean to want and have a soulmate?
The ONE book you have to read this summer! Incredibly moving and extraordinarily crafted, it explores the unbreakable bond and love between sisters. Winner of The CILIP Carnegie Medal in 2016.
You can see from the blurb that this book sounds brilliant can't you? I have to say that I found this book to be an incredibly easy read and that was for 2 reason's; (1) It was a beautifully gripping storyline that just hooked you in and made you want to keep turning pages and (2) because of the format in which it was set out in. The layout of the text in this book looked a like the way in which one sees poetry written and published.
What I loved about this book was that you could very easily tell that Sarah has researched the storyline with incredible detail, compassion and a level of authentic understanding. As this book is the story of conjoined twins; Tippi and Grace the story is narrated by only one twin. We learn the 'normality' of their life and the fact that they are very much aware of 'those questions' so many want to ask about their daily lives that they dare not to. Questions such as; "Is it hard to shower and see each other naked?" "What's it like when you go to the toilet?" "Will you be able to have children of your own?", "Do you wish that you were normal?". All very valid, and private questions. However what this book does spectacularly well is bring to light the true question; What is "normal"?
But the reality of their life is that during their childhood, as the children growing up today, we live in a very social media focused world. We see it every day with events happening all around the world, in seconds, an event, an accident, or for teenagers today, an embarrassing moment in their life can be streamed live across the world at the touch of a button. Tippi and Grace live in this world which is hard enough for any teenager, but for conjoined twins who are prone to being looked at and treated like a circus act it is understandably difficult.
Tippi and Grace are my sheroes this year. They embrace all of life's 'challenges' and they swat them away without a second thought. However, as we see in this book, being so 'medically challenged' as some would say leaves them open to all sorts of medical challenges. Challenges that not even the medical staff at the top of their game know the answers to. And I for one can completely understand just how terrifying that thought is.
We see that Tippi and Grace are just normal girls, growing up, learning how to navigate their way in life and the trials of being a teenager. Subjects that we take for granted; falling in love, dating, learning to drive, recovering after an illness, and such.
Without spoiling the story, I have to say that the ending utterly broke me. I lay in bed eager to finish this book before falling asleep and I sobbed my heart out. I sobbed because of the true brilliance of Sarah's talent for writing, I sobbed for Tippi, and I sobbed for Grace. But just like in recent weeks here in the UK, at times when things are really horrific and heartbreaking in the most painful of ways, we see figures of the public pull together and show true compassion and humanity. If anything, this book truly shows that no matter just how ripped apart we can be and how life can throw the most cruelest of curveballs of loss, pain, and difficult decisions, it can also bring with it unconditional love, understanding, togetherness and unity.
Truly this book shows that no matter what. We are all ONE. Which is why I easily award this book 5/5 stars.
I would like to dedicate this review to all the victims that have suffered here in the UK in the past few weeks; the victims of the Westminster Attack, the beautiful people who are victims of the Manchester Attack, and the victims of the awful tragedy of Grenfell Tower Fire. Each and every ONE of you are in my heart, faces and names that I promise I will never forget. My love, my thoughts, and my prayers are forever with each and every one of you.
We are all ONE.
Hello lovely,
How have you been? We really must meet up here more often with a cosy cup of coffee. I can't stay long today as I've got a lot going on at the moment which is why I'm not popping in here as much as I used to but I do want to have a coffee with you and tell you about this book I read recently.
As you know, here in the UK we're heading to the polls in a few days time and we've had some truly devastating attacks in our country that I think has shocked us all to the core. When times get tough I like to escape by reading a good book. It helps to just "get away from it all" in your mind.
Get comfy and let me tell you about my latest read that you simply have to read.

Alice in BrexitLand is written by Lucien Young and published by Penguin Random House, part of Ebury Press. I am grateful to the publishers for sending me an advanced review copy to read.
You can purchase from Amazon here
When I read the blurb the first time, I had to smile. I knew it was going to be enjoyable. Have a read and see what you think;
"Lying on a riverbank on a lazy summer’s afternoon – 23rd June 2016, to be precise – Alice spots a flustered-looking white rabbit called Dave calling for a referendum.
Following him down a rabbit-hole, she emerges into a strange new land, where up is down, black is white, experts are fools and fools are experts...
How have you been? We really must meet up here more often with a cosy cup of coffee. I can't stay long today as I've got a lot going on at the moment which is why I'm not popping in here as much as I used to but I do want to have a coffee with you and tell you about this book I read recently.
As you know, here in the UK we're heading to the polls in a few days time and we've had some truly devastating attacks in our country that I think has shocked us all to the core. When times get tough I like to escape by reading a good book. It helps to just "get away from it all" in your mind.
Get comfy and let me tell you about my latest read that you simply have to read.

Alice in BrexitLand is written by Lucien Young and published by Penguin Random House, part of Ebury Press. I am grateful to the publishers for sending me an advanced review copy to read.
You can purchase from Amazon here
When I read the blurb the first time, I had to smile. I knew it was going to be enjoyable. Have a read and see what you think;
"Lying on a riverbank on a lazy summer’s afternoon – 23rd June 2016, to be precise – Alice spots a flustered-looking white rabbit called Dave calling for a referendum.
Following him down a rabbit-hole, she emerges into a strange new land, where up is down, black is white, experts are fools and fools are experts...
She meets such characters as the Corbynpillar, who sits on a toadstool smoking his hookah and being no help to anyone; Humpty Trumpty, perched on a wall he wants the Mexicans to pay for; the Cheshire Twat, who likes to disappear leaving only his grin, a pint, and the smell of scotch eggs remaining; and the terrifying Queen of Heartlessness, who’ll take off your head if you dare question her plan for Brexit.
Will Alice ever be able to find anyone who speaks sense?"
Without giving away too much, I have to say that quite a few times through reading this book I found myself giggling away to myself. If you're anything like me when it comes to election time you recognise how important it is that we each vote, but tend to get really P-ed off with all the constant backbiting that goes on, the arguments and the sheer drivel and 'empty promises' that get made.
Whilst this book doesn't feature on a general election - what we're going to the polls for in a few days - it does relay the many thoughts and feelings when the UK voted to leave the EU and Brexit became a thing.
The characters are all based on the traditional children's story of Alice in Wonderland - with a twist of going down a rabbit hole with Dave the white rabbit (who sounded like he'd gone to a posh expensive school for rabbits!) heading down the hole to BrexitLand.
People who find politics - especially right now - a joke will enjoy this book, and even though it does make digs at Polish workers (Ahem! I am of Polish descent (My Grandfather came to the UK in WW2 to escape the Nazi's who had tortured his family before his own eyes - and just whilst we're on it... he immediately signed up with the British Army and fought against the Nazi's) - so you know... be careful as it can really offend some people! They aren't the only Europeans who have come to the UK recently from the EU) it is all rather tongue in cheek.
It's a fun enjoyable read and one that I'm sure people will enjoy reading as it's just a fairly quick read.
It's not going to become the "new" classic, but right now, with the times we are living in, and the right audience, it could be a fun read of the moment.
So, my overall rating has to be 3/5 on this one.
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