Hi Guys & Gals,
I make no attempt in hiding the fact that an area in my life that I have to do a hell of a lot of “Self Help in the City” on is learning to love myself. I struggle daily. I’m human and just because I’m a qualified life coach and wellness blogger, does not exclude me and make me immune to human conditions. Thankfully.
There are days when I can’t stand looking at myself in the mirror, and there are day when I find it easier, I even smile and tell myself “Wow, you really are beautiful – just look at you!”. So when Hay House sent me Mirror Work by Louise Hay (one of my ultimate favourite authors) to review I was so thankful and it felt like a prayer of mine had been answered. 

It’s a 21 day “prescription” where you have mirror work daily – where you look into the mirror frequently and say something – either mentally or verbally – out loud that is positive about yourself. Examples include; “I love you, I really really love you.” or “I approve of myself, I love you and I approve of you. You are are perfect just the way you are.”
You also get a daily mantra such as “It is safe for me to approve of myself” and a daily meditation which with the right code (found in the book at the front) you can download the audio. I usually do this as I drift off to sleep at night. There are also journalling tasks which I’ll be honest, I have missed a couple of days, but they are very much a healing method to help you really understand why you struggle to love yourself.
I should mention that “loving yourself” is not the same as eyeing yourself up and massaging that ego of yours thinking you are IT!. Yes you are fabulous, but so is everyone else. We’re all equal in this!
I’ve just started week 2 of this program, so I’m on day 8 of 21 and already there has been gradual improvements in my confidence and self esteem. I still have bad days, but what I’ve noticed is that I am bouncing back much quicker than before. I think this book will help me when I no longer have CBT therapy sessions, and it’s one that I am going to repeat straight after I’ve completed the 21 days, because it’s so beneficial.
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