Hi Everyone!
One thing I wanted to do more of this year on A Page of Love is blog about more than just books. Lately I've been planning somewhat of a clear up on social media, mainly to mainstream and neaten up my presence and help it to become somewhat less chaotic.
I'm approaching my 30s now (I'm 27!) , and whilst I adore having fun with a girly blog about books, I'm just not feeling it all that much anymore. So to keep my interest alive and allow my blog to grow with me and my life I am adding more Lifestyle features to it.
There is so much more to me than books. I really enjoy gardening, home decor, fashion (A little!), crochet, crafting, planning with my filofax, and being a generally all round "Housewife in Training!". So because I LOVE those things too, I'm going to share them with you.
To kick off these style of posts, today I'm going to share with you my gardening haul. It's really cheap and a basic supply, so it's perfect if you want to kind of see if you have green fingers (nail varnish not compulsory - but kinda looks cute!), or just want to spend less than £10 to kick start your 2016 garden.
I'm approaching my 30s now (I'm 27!) , and whilst I adore having fun with a girly blog about books, I'm just not feeling it all that much anymore. So to keep my interest alive and allow my blog to grow with me and my life I am adding more Lifestyle features to it.
There is so much more to me than books. I really enjoy gardening, home decor, fashion (A little!), crochet, crafting, planning with my filofax, and being a generally all round "Housewife in Training!". So because I LOVE those things too, I'm going to share them with you.
To kick off these style of posts, today I'm going to share with you my gardening haul. It's really cheap and a basic supply, so it's perfect if you want to kind of see if you have green fingers (nail varnish not compulsory - but kinda looks cute!), or just want to spend less than £10 to kick start your 2016 garden.

For me, a few of their products do, like the bird feeders, garden twine (useful for tying up floppy plant stems, scented citronella candles in the summer etc.
But this week I picked up some bulbs and seeds. Pretty basic supplies for the garden, and gives you the chance and responsibility to grow something beautiful in your garden.
As you can seen, all these cost me less than £10 (£7 exactly) and I have over 100 bulbs, and 24 varieties of seeds. My collection includes scented flowers such as night scented stock (they are my favourite!), sweet peas which always look gorgeous, morning glories, and plenty of climbing/creeper varieties to trail up walls, fencing and even the shed!
Mum had one of the chinese lantern plants when I was really young and it looked so beautiful. We have quite a big garden (100ft x 20ft) so we have lots of room to cater for all these flowers. We're very lucky.
Next up is hanging baskets. Don't you just adore pretty flowers in a hanging basket? especially with trailing lobelia, fuchsias, geraniums and such in them? I've grown up watching my mum create the most spectacular displays in her hanging baskets that I've grown to love the process of making up the baskets and watching them grow.
There are two types of basket I purchased. There are the quite large square baskets that I got from Asda - both of them together cost less than £10. They were £3 each which is UNBELIEVABLE but it's true. In fact I really would like to get some more as they are so good - fingers crossed they still have them on the shelves next time I go (purchase here - 12 inch square hanging baskets) . The cream baskets are half circular ones, that will look pretty on my shed either side of the windows. These were from a bargain store too (can't recall the name SORRY!!!) but they were £1 each. I know that places like Poundstretcher do them also, and although they might not be cream in colour - a simple lick of paint on a bright warm sunny day will get yours looks gorgeously creamy soon enough.
Lastly, I made a trip into Wilko and picked up some shed paint. Last year I covered a 8x6 shed with 2 tins of 750ml paint. I had two tins because I used two colours. So this year, I picked up 1 tin of 1 litre paint for the shed, as I want to paint it one colour with a slight accent with a different colour (future post will discuss and show this!). The paint cost me £7.50 which is a bargain!! I haven't tried the paint just yet but weather permitting and also after checking in with the family to see if they need me the weekend (haha) I will try, hopefully to test it out on the weekend!
One thing I really wish Wilko would do again (and I say this on begging knee position - my knee hurts like this so this is how much I really wish this!!!) I really wish they would do their catalogues again that feature homeware and garden bits and bobs! I know it's cheaper to run on the internet, but I really do prefer browsing a catalogue, and taking it down the garden with me and visually seeing the product out there before I purchase!
Anyway, that is all I have for you right now, but I will be back really soon with more Gardening posts because I've really loved writing this and sharing with you something in my life that I love. I hope you have enjoyed reading this and please feel free to leave a comment below, i'll get back to you ASAP.
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