Bookish Lifestyle | 5 Ways To Overcome Book Hangover

Saturday, 20 October 2018

Having Book-Hangover is not something made up in the fictional world of books but is actually something very real that we book-Bloggers and general bookworms experience often - sometimes a little too often. 

So what actually is a book-hangover? 

A book hangover is in its most simplistic terms when we have finished reading an absolutely outstanding book that we couldn't put down, didn't want to finish or can't wait for the sequel too (or all of the above). It progresses into the actual 'book-hangover' when try as we might we simply cannot get into reading another book. Why does this happen? Well basically it's that feeling like when we are heartbroken when we're so sure that we'll NEVER experience a love like the one we've just lost... It's all wrong and our only chance of being happy is to have stayed with that person (NEWSFLASH!!! it's really not! I'm actual living proof that there is love after heartbreak - and it tends to be way better than you ever dreamed, hoped or wished for! And the same can be said for your next "current read". 

The problem of having a book-hangover

Mostly it's just really frustrating to not be able to read another book without thinking about the one we've just finished reading, especially as a book-blogger because reading books is what we do! We can only blog about books (largely) if we are in fact reading books! If we can't get into the zone of reading a book we'll it's not worth thinking about! It's like being a Baker and not being able to bake bread or cakes, or like being a builder and not able to actually build anything. 
Another problem with having Book-Hangover is the feeling of hopelessness. Being a blogger is about reaching out to others and sharing our thoughts, feelings, opinions, reactions and our lives with our readers and audience. When we reach that stage of feeling hopeless and full of despair it has a knock on effect to our confidence as a blogger (you know that feeling of being an imposter? - how can I say I'm a book blogger when im not blogging because I can't get into another book?! 😮 😭).

How can I overcome book-hangover?

Ahhh sorry to disappoint you but if I had the answer to that I'd be a millionaire - JOKING - I actually do have some tips for you that I've used and found to help me. 

> let yourself off the hook and take the pressure off of yourself to read straight away. Sure you might usually put one book down and legit pick up the next one (that you secretly started reading before you even finished the last one) but sometimes (again like dating) you actually need time away from books to process what just happened, to talk about it, blog about it, really get into conversation about the book. Allow yourself to take time to almost get fed up of thinking and talking about the book so that you literally leap at the chance of a shiny new book (although I KNOW the problems with book love that lasts forever: The Cruel Prince, A Court of Thorns and Roses, The Lunar Chronicles and more - more about how to deal with this in an upcoming post!) 

> find something else to do other than read. This is why I have a few hobbies so that when I get bored or experience hobby hangover or literally lack enthusiasm or creativity I can put one down and pick up the other. My hobbies include; crocheting, home decor/inspiration, blogging (lifestyle over at Our Country Home Comforts), books and spending time exploring new places with my handsome Mr R. I find that time away usually gives me breathing space and enough inspiration to reignite my passion for reading, blogging, crocheting and more! 

> try a different genre of book. Sometimes reading a book that isn't in the same genre as the one that's given you book hangover can really help. When I first started my book blog I focused on women's fiction and romance and whilst I absolutely adore those books (you can tell by my blog name - another upcoming post for you) sometimes I get book hangover really quickly and can't face reading another romance novel. When I discovered crime fiction by reading Angie Marsons' Silent Scream I entered a whole new world (totally just sang the Aladdin version of that song in my head) and its one that's stuck with me. I find reading crime fiction, or a good psychological thriller a great escape from romance and life in general. So if you usually read YA sci-fi, try a YA without the sci-fi element or try a adult contemporary, or if you usually read women's contemporary try a YA (I did and I loved it!) 

> Blog about related topics. So if you're a book blogger that's lost the mojo (do we still use that word?) for reading right now write about something related to books, or even open up to your audience about your book mojo having took a vacation without warning ⚠ It will make your blog more authentic to your readers and you more relatable. Remember some of the readers of your blog are inspired by you and you have a huge influence on them. Teenage girls (and boys) are more social than we were (if your in the 25-35 age bracket) and therefore it's important I feel that we show them the truth about adulting and blogging! Yes share the highs but think about sharing the lows too because maybe then we can break the stigma and shame about not being happy 24/7, stop comparing ourselves to others and embrace who we are flaws and all, and plus maybe we can reduce our own stress levels by allowing ourselves to be human and not robotic. 

> Read until you fall back in love with reading. Yep you can just push your way through the sludge of book hangover like having the "hair of the dog" - which by the way I have no idea if it works alcohol wise as I don't drink and neither does Mr R. Just read and keep reading until the hangover fades and eventually you'll find that you are enjoying another book! 

There's no easy way through book hangover, no pill to pop, no magic spell to recite or yoga pose to hold. You simply have to just find your own way through via trial and error and even after many years of doing just that you might have to shake things up and tweek them a little. But that's the joy of being alive right? And as a blogger we're totally used to adapting and changing with the times right? 

I hope these tips I've shared with you that have helped me and continue to help me, well I hope they inspire you to pick up your next great read.

If this post has helped you, inspired you to blog or read, and you have actually overcome your book hangover using these tips please come back and share in the comments and let me know! Also, please share this with your friends and bookish friends if you think they'd find it useful 🙏

Also if you have any great tips for overcoming book hangover feel free to share them in the comments below 👇 with the other readers. 

I hope your book hangover subsides soon if you're currently experiencing one, 

Speak soon lovely, 
Dawn-Tracy xxx


  1. I love this! I've been reading a lot more recenty but I find that now I do; I put pressure on myself to read read read! It's okay to not go into one book straight after another. xx

  2. It's absolutely OKAY to not go onto another book after finishing one!! It can be so hard to not put pressure on ourselves, but if we keep trying we're sure to get better at it. Thanks for stopping by Chloe, I really appreciate it and it's so lovely to see you! xx
